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((edited 2-3-2017))

"I didn't know you smoked" Louis joins Niall behind the bus. "You do it often?"

"Only when Harry is acting like a douche bag. So always." Niall tells him. They both know that's not really the reason but Louis decides not to push it.

Niall hands Louis the pack of cigarettes and exhales some smoke. "It's a bad habit. I should stop." The blonde sighs. Louis puts a cigarette between his teeth and lights it. "Me too." He says.

Niall smokes when he's sad. Last time was about a week ago when the tour had just started. Niall's throat was sore and he felt like shit. He was scared to go up on stage. Right now he doesn't really get why he's sad. He knows he's sad about Harry but he doesn't understand why it upsets him.

"When did you start?" Louis breaks the silence.

Niall takes a while to answer. He frowns before admitting. "When Zayn left."

Louis looks down at his shoes and exhales some smoke. Niall can tell that sentence upset him. Louis and Zayn were really close. Now they haven't talked for months.

"Harry is pissed." Louis breaks the silence. "I know" Niall says. He wishes he didn't care.

"Why did you leave a hickey?" Louis asks. He's looking at Niall with mischievous eyes and he knows the older boy will probably tease him. Niall shrugs. Louis inhales some smoke before continuing. "It's like marking someone as your territory, lad. You know that."

Niall does know that. He's not stupid. He wish he hadn't done it. It will start so many rumours since Harry hasn't been anywhere besides the venue and the bus.

"Maybe I wanted-" Niall regrets even starting that sentence.

"What?" Louis asked, not really paying attention.

"Nothing." Niall doesn't want to finish what he was about to say. He doesn't want Louis to know that maybe he wanted Harry to be marked as his territory. He pushes the thought out of his head. He shouldn't think like that.

Niall and Louis puts their cigarettes out and Niall hides the package in his pocket. They start to make their way back inside but Niall stops the older boy right before entering the bus. "Don't tell anyone I smoke." Louis nods and pretends to zip his mouth shut before they step inside.

Harry is sitting next to Liam who has one hand on his shoulder, mumbling words that Niall can't hear. The curly head nods and turns around, a fake smile plastered on his face.

"I'm sorry for getting pissed" he apologizes. "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings."

He looks back at Liam who nods approvingly. This was the first time Harry has ever apologized to Niall. It was a fake one but it was still an apology. "Thanks." Niall says, not really grateful. He doesn't need Harry's lame ass apology.

He walks past the others and towards his bunk. He puts his headphones in his ears and climbs inside. He looks down the aisle at his band members chatting. He can't hear them over the music but he doesn't really care. He doesn't feel the need to eavesdrop.

He looks at Harry who laughs at something one of them said. Harry is quite good looking. Niall can admit that. He's very charming and polite. The British accent is cute and his laugh is beautiful. Everyone who meets Harry is taken back by his charms. Niall used to be jealous of Harry's ability of enchanting anyone he talked to. He's not any more. Niall's actually quite pleased with himself.

He keeps eyeing Harry. Taking in every last bit of Harry's face. So many people would be so envious of his relationship with Harry. Even if they fight all the time the sex is good. Millions of people want that and Niall gets it.

Niall stops staring when Harry looks at him. Busted. Niall's expression changes into an angry glare.

He stands up and rips out his headphones before walking towards the exit. Sound check isn't for a couple of hours but the bus felt very crowded all of a sudden.

"Going somewhere?" Harry stops Niall as he's about to leave the bus.

"Anywhere where you're not" the blonde spits before exiting.

He walks away from the bus and towards the venue and suddenly hears screams coming from the right. He looks towards the screams and finds a small group of fans standing behind a fence.

He goes up to one of the security guys and asks if it's okay to say hi. The security guy tells him the fence is safe and that no one will be able to jump him.

He walks up to the fans with a smile on his face. "Hi" he greets some girls who has their phones out, filming and taking pictures of his every move. "How are you?" He asks them and he hears a bunch of answers. Some are tired and some are happy. Suddenly the screams start again and he turns around to find Harry walking towards them.

"What are you doing out here?" He whispers to Niall. "Talking." The older boy whispers back, trying to sound as rude as possible. It's hard when you're whispering.

They both sign some autographs and take a couple of pictures. The fans are relatively calm which is nice. Niall thinks it's much better when they're calm so they can actually have conversations instead of having people scream in their faces.

Niall and Harry pretend to like each other (as usual) for the fans. Interacting and teasing the fans by acting affectionate.

Niall notices a girl with pink hair leaning towards her friend. She's whispering and pointing at Harry. "Who gave you that hickey, Harry?" Her friend asks. Harry doesn't know what to answer. He completely forgot it was there. Niall smirks to himself and decides to be a little rebellious. "I did." He says and nudges Harry in the side.

Both Harry he girl who asked gasps. She asks her friend if she filmed it and she just nods eagerly. Harry grabs Niall by the arm and gives the fans a quick "bye" before dragging him towards the venue. His face is red with a mixture of anger and embarrassment.

A security guard closes the door behind them and Harry walks into the nearest empty room and presses Niall up against the wall.

"Why the fuck did you say that?" He screams.

"You don't know how hard it is to have your whole career turned upside down because of a stupid ship! Answer me you little prick!" He tugs harshly at Niall's collar as he screams.

Niall's scared. For the first time ever, he's actually scared of Harry. He was only joking and he doesn't understand why Harry is so mad. He's never been this angry at him before.

"I'm sorry" Niall mumbles.

"What? You're so fucking stupid, that girl got it on tape!" Tears are building up in Harry's eyes.

"Are- are you crying?" Niall whispers, surprised by his reaction. Harry lets go of him and wipes his tears away.

"It ruined my friendship with Louis. I don't want to ruin anything else!"

Niall doesn't know what to do. He's supposed to hate Harry. Harry's supposed to hate him. And still here he is crying over something getting ruined.

"I hate you so fucking much, you always ruin everything." Harry wipes the last tear away. He's just looking at Niall.

The blonde has no idea what to do. This is the first time Harry has ever cried in front of him. This is also the angriest Harry has ever been with him. In all the confusion Niall decides to do the only thing he knows how to do.

"Take off your clothes."



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