Chapter 2: Harry

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Professor McGonagall is now the new headmistress of Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry since Dumbledore was no more. Since she was now the Headmistress, I was curious as to who our head of house would be.  Everyone was also wondering who the DADA teacher would be, and whether or not he'd be here longer than just one year. Not that it would really matter to me or my class because we'd only be here for this last year for our NEWTs. 

"Achem!" Headmistress McGonagall gathers the student body's attention to start the announcements. "As most of you know by now, we did not accept new students into the school this year because of the war last year. The Professors and I will be communicating on how this will be working out, but non of that is importance to any of you. However, we are hosting a few American transfers from Camp Half-Blood. A wizarding camp for half-blood wizards. They also sent one of their instructors to be our new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. I expect you will all treat them with respect during their stay. First to introduce is our new DADA professor, Perseus Jackson!" Claps echoed through out the hall as he walked through the Great Hall doors. He had raven black hair, eyes like the sea, and he was really buff. Strangely, he looked like a taller, more muscular version of me. Unfortunately, I recognized him. I stunned him earlier, thinking he was another student, on the train for fooling around with that girl. Who by the way never thanked us for helping her, but instead shoved us out.  McGonagall continued," Professor Jackson, would you like to say a few words about what you will be teaching in your class this year?" 

"Uh.. Sure?" He said uncertainly," So, uh, students... This year in Defense Against the Dark Arts, I'll be teaching you all what I do at my camp. Sword-fighting and other weaponry techniques, the first semester, and the second semester we will deal with hand-to-hand combat. Uh... Thanks?" McGonagall lead him to his teacher seat at the head table, while students cheered. Well everyone but me.

"Professor Jackson will also be the new head of Gryffindor House for the year he is here as I am swamped with Headmaster duties." Professor Jackson snickered to himself when she said 'duties'. Wow. I know he's young, but wow is he immature.  I zoned back in on what McGonagall was saying,"Now for the sorting of the Camp Half-Blood transfers." The girl I thought I had rescued from earlier was with them. She had honey blonde hair that curled like a princesses, with calculating grey eyes. The other two were two boys. One was taller than the other with golden blonde hair and blue eyes. The shorter one had darker hair and darker eyes. The two boys were holding hands, wait were they queer?

~~~ A/N: I had originally written a lot more from this point on. And I mean a lot more. But my internet crashed and didn't save it. So forgive me for the following crappiness because I am physically shaking with anger right now. So I will be angry writing the rest of this chapter. Sorry.~~~~ 

"Chase, Annabeth." The blonde confidently strutted up to the stool and took a seat. The new DADA professor winked at her. I don't know how things are in America, but here professors and students can't have relations with one another. After about seven minutes of contemplating the hat seemed to make its decision. "GRYFFINDOR!" Our table cheered the loudest, as usual, for our new classmate. She takes her seat by the end of the table with me and my friends, next to Hermione.

"Di Angelo, Nico." The dark haired boy nervously fidgeted as he took a seat. The blonde haired boy smiled and gave him thumbs up. This Nico kid looked like a death eater or an ex-one, and if he was put in Slytherin my suspicions would be right. After ten minutes the hat, finally, made its decision. "SLYTHERIN!" Yes! That means Harry Potter's suspicions were right, per usual! His repective house cheered for him, but nobody else even clapped except for the new transfers, who were way louder than his own house. He took a seat by the edge with Draco Malfoy.

"Solace, William." The blonde boy nervously walked to the stool and got a smile and thumbs-up from Di Angelo. The hat slipped on to the boys head and not a minute or two later was placed into,"HUFFLEPUFF!" The yellow and black table cheered for their new member while everyone else clapped respectfully. Even one Slyhterin, Nico, who looked sad but happy for him. 

"Now, let the feast begin!" Headmistress McGonagall proclaimed. 

Food. Amazingly delicious food sat in front of my face. Thank god! I was starving! 


A/N: 809 words for this chapter! Yay, I guess! I was much happier with the original one of this chapter but yea know stupid internet! I didn't mean that come back! 

Anyways just wanted to say I am not homophobic! I have nothing against the gay community! I just feel like they are so old fashioned there that they'd be appalled at the idea of it all. So I mean no offense to anyone because Solangelo is my OTP along with Percabeth! 





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