Stop Trying to Steal What's Mine

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"How did you find this place?" She question curiously as I wrap my arms around her waist.

"I met this guy when I was staying with Joy. He said he wanted to show me a good time so he brought me here. I was very intrigued by him after that." I explain.

"So, you really are bi-sexual huh?" Nathalie ask turning in my arms as my hands rest on her lower back.

"Does it really matter?" I reply confused by the question.

"No it doesn't matter at all." Nathalie say. "I just don't know much about you."

"I don't open up much." I shrug. Nathalie look away. "I mean—I thought I did enough of that last night." I drown my shot.

Nathalie grab my hand. "And I appreciate you opening up to me. But, I want to know more about you. Things you like, embarrassing moments, childhood memories. I bet you were such an adorable little girl." She then pause.

I roll my eyes and laugh. God this girl. She was too cute sometimes.

"Your first crush, first love, first heartbreak. I want to know everything about you Rose." Nathalie chew on her bottom lip and pull me closer. "I don't want this to be just about sex anymore."

"I understand Nathalie." I reply. "I don't either."

Nathalie beams and kisses me deeply. I pull back and say, "But, you can't push me. I will open up on my own time. I hope that won't be a problem."

"No." Nathalie whisper moving a purple streak out of my face. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that."

"It's okay." I pull her into another kiss and drown in the flavor of sweet candy and alcohol. She always tasted sweet no matter where my tongue went when it came to her body. After a few more drinks Nathalie leave to go to the bathroom as I wait on our nachos. I watch her until I can't see her anymore. The bartender slides over another drink and nachos, "$12.75" I pull out my wallet but before I could do anything someone is handing the man a card. The bartender shrugs and walk off.

"Starting without me huh." He chuckles before grabbing a chip.

"You didn't have to do that Paul." I tell him while handing him a twenty dollar bill.

"It's all good." Paul smile sitting on the stool and ordering himself a drink. "Sorry I'm late. Traffic. I promise that won't happen again." He finishes with a wink.

"It's cool man." I say. "You're here for your tattoo."

"Yeah." He grins. "I have this kickass drawing. But, we can sit here and eat and talk before all of that. I can get us a table."

"No, it's alright."

"Nah on me." He reply smiling with charm. "I want to spend time with you Rose."

I arch my eyebrow and say, "You don't think this is a date do you?"

Paul blushes, "No. Not at first but it's just me and you. I just thought it would be nice."

"Dude, I thought you wanted a tattoo."

"I do." Paul reply. "Look I know how this look but for once it's just me and you. I thought this would be a pretty rad place ya know. Away from the others. It doesn't have to be a date if you don't want it to be. I know you're with Nathalie and all but—I like you."

"I thought you understood that I didn't like you like that Paul." I say softly.

"You say that but I know deep down you have a thing for me and maybe if Nathalie didn't get to you first we would actually be a thing. We like the same things and we both are some pretty attractive people. We would make a hot couple."

I actually laugh. He smile softly and pat my shoulder softly, "See, it doesn't have to be serious. I won't pressure you like Nathalie. I just want to spend time with you. Is that not fair. You can't deny that you have a thing for me."

"Look Paul. It's nothing against you but I do think you're a cool person but you're not the person for me. Nathalie and I are getting serious and I like her."

Paul sighs before drowning another shot. "Alright you got me. I'll respect your wishes." He then stands. "I'm not giving up though. So, why not just get some food before I get this badass tat huh?"

"She said she didn't want to get any food with you Paul."

My eyes widen when I see Nathalie appear from the crowd. Her eyes were dark. "She has given you the hint several times and I don't appreciate you disrespecting our relationship."

"What relationship?" Paul frowns. "Stop claiming her. She is not a thing for you to own."

"But she is mine." Nathalie hisses and my eyes widen. "No matter how much you wish to deny it. Rose is with me. She is with me in the morning and in my bed at night. Get used to it and grow up and accept it."

"Nathalie—" I start but I'm cut off.

"Whatever Nathalie." Paul frowns then look back at me. "Why didn't you tell me she was here?"

"She didn't have to tell you anything." Nathalie hisses stepping more in front of me. I really thought Sam was kidding about the whole possessive attitude. "She invited me. So here I am. You shouldn't have tricked her into a date."

"I didn't trick her into anything." Paul scowls.

"Guys." I start.

"Dude, no." Paul frowns. "I didn't trick her into anything." He repeats. "I invited her and she came and if you wasn't here we would actually be having a good time right now. Stop with the possessive attitude it's unattractive."

"Stop trying to steal my girlfriend." Nathalie shouts. The bartender slam his hand down and say, "You guys with have to take the drama outside." I look around and notice a few pair of eyes on us. I shake my head and drag Nathalie out the club. She snatch away from me and I frown.

"What the hell is your problem?"

Nathalie fold her arm across her chest. "My problem?"

"Yes Nathalie your problem. Paul is right. You don't own me."

"I know that." Nathalie scowls.

"Then stop with the jealousy bullshit. Sam may be into that shit but I'm not. It's fucking annoying and it's not cute. If you can't trust me then this won't work."

"I do trust you."

"Then why are always so heated around Paul. He's your friend. He's our friend."

Nathalie scoff, "He is trying to take you away from me Rose. Stop being so naïve it's fucking annoying and it's not cute." She sneers throwing my words back in my face. "And I hate how much you encourage him like you enjoy the attention."

"If you would have let me handle it I was telling him that we was serious now."

Nathalie open her mouth to reply but then pause and stop before biting her lip. "Whatever." She roll her eyes childishly. I groan in frustration. "Really. That's all you got to say. No apology."

"You don't deserve an apology." Nathalie hisses. "Because you do like the attention." I open my mouth to defend myself but she cut me off. "And don't even try to deny it. You do but if we're going to be together then get use to only wanting my attention."

"God you're so fucking possessive." I yell stepping into her space.

"And you flirt with everyone around you." She scream back. I smirk and pull her into a kiss bruising her lips. She moan and grip my hips pulling me closer. I battle with her tongue for dominance but she wasn't giving in easily. I lean her back into my bike and cup her ass before squeezing. She moans and I grin as I take control of the kiss.

We pull back when we hear whistles behind us from a few guys leaving the club.

"So, I'm your girlfriend huh?" I tease.

"Let's go." She whisper huskily in my ear. "So, I can show you how much of my girlfriend you are."

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