"Yes. I would know. I'm a vampire myself. That's how I was able to save Julian from undergoing more abuse."

"Proof." Rylan demanded.

River coughed. "Mr. Tobias. Let Dominik finish telling you everything. Than you'll get all the proof you ask for."

Rylan glared at River before nodding a 'okay.'

"Julian was very scared at first to be in the hands of yet anther vampire, but he soon figured out that I was a good guy. So he was able to live with me without any problems... Well maybe a few, but it was mostly due to him being scared if certain things. Like basements. Bathrooms- being alone..."

"Bathrooms?" Audrey questioned.

"He wouldn't tell me why, but he refused to take a bath for awhile. I can it assume why..."

Rylan sighed. "Are you done yet?"

"Almost." I looked at my two brothers. "We had a few occasions where me and my brothers had to protect Julian because his kidnappers still want him. So this hard to let him live here without our protection. But we know that family is important." I looked at Rylan. "Your son Julian is-troubled though. He has voices in his head. Ones a demon and one is his protector or guardian. They live in his head. I know it's hard to believe but it's true. You may catch him muttering words to himself, it's just him talking to the souls in his head. Also, his vampire captors raped and bit him constantly. Also would beat him till he passed out and hardly fed him. He could barely speak for awhile. He's a very strong man now. But he has a childish nature that tends to come out when he's around people he trusts."

Audrey looked at Rylan. "I really think he's telling the truth hun. So please be nice about this. This man saved our baby and protected him. Thank you." She put a hand over her heart as she looked back at us.

"So your a vampire?" Rylan eyed me and I nodded. I showed him my fangs. His eyes went huge at that.

"Julian has little baby ones because he's a temporary vampire due to all the bites. He should go back to normal in a few weeks."

Audrey bit her lip. "May we see him now? I want to see my baby..."

I nodded. "Of course. Avery? Can you go let Asa know that Julian an him can come inside now?"

"Yes." Avery got up and walked out the door.

We sat in silence until we heard the shuffling if feet. Avery and Asa walked in first. Than a very nervous looking Julian. His eyes downcast, his hair blocking his eyes from his parents view, his hands tightly clasped in front of him. Audrey shot up out of her seat.

"Julian?" She took a step toward him, but e still refused to meet her gaze. "What's wrong with him?" She looked at me, wanting an answer to why he was ignoring her.

I walked over to Julian and got down in front of him. "Julian. Don't you want to meet your parents? You were so excited last night. Now you aren't talking. What's wrong?" I put my hands on his shoulders.

Tears dribbled down his cheeks. "I'm not so sure anymore Dominik. They are gonna hate me-"

"Julian." I used a stern voice. "These are your parents. They want you back with a their heart. Just look at them and say hello. And if your not ready, I can always take you back to my house, give it a day or two and than take you right back here."

Julian looked at me than he looked up at his mom and dad. I moved away from Julian as he walked over to them. He looked up at him mom than his dad. He started bawling.

"I'm home!" He threw his arms around his parents. "I have a mom and a dad! This is so un-real!" His parents wrapped him in a big hug and kissed his head with their own tears pouring down their cheeks.

Breaking the un-breakable (Fin.)(boyxboy)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora