Trent's smile faded, "Sorry. I tend to go on tangents. Bugs the crap out of the guys."

"I don't mind, I'm the same way. Except I do it in my brain. Sometimes I will jump to the worst possible conclusion because of how fast my mind works. I understand." I laughed quietly to myself because I had just been worrying about my soon and highly improbable demise.

Trent looked at me with worry again and reached out for my limp arm. "Here," he grabbed it tenderly. Impulsively, I wished that my arm wasn't numb and I could feel his hands on my skin. In confusion, I slightly shook my head and banished the thought. He examined it with intensity. "What's it feel like?" He glanced up at me with his blonde eyebrows raised.
"Uh, it's just numb. I can't feel that arm at all."

"Well, I know nothing except the basics so hopefully it'll come back. I'd say it's injured and your body is in shock."

"So helpful. Thanks," I joked. "I still can run so I'm not worried."

"What on earth were you doing anyways?" He looked at me with shock. I told him about the Materialers and how they have all there amazing stuff there and about my idiocy with a rotting rope. When I finished, I looked up at him with a fake pouting look and he just laughed all warm and bubbly. It was the kind of laugh that filled you with joy and was infectious. Every time he laughed, I couldn't help but smile.

"You are so stupid! I can't believe you are still in one piece after all these years," he teased while still laughing.

"Hey! At least I didn't pass out after seeing blood!" I joined in, shoving him lightly.

"Okay, fine. I admit. Not one of my finest moments," he caved. We continued laughing and teasing each other for a long time. I didn't notice how long it was until the sun had begun to set. The sky was filled with beautiful purples and reds, like an artist had made random paint strokes in the sky with no real objective. At some point during our mocking fest he had taken off all of his armour except his pant bottoms. He had on yet again another tight white t-shirt, allowing me to admire his abs subtly. For the first time I had noticed that he, like the sunset and the forest, was a work of art himself.

We were sitting on a fallen trunk of a tree when he looked at me and cocked his head to the side. His face looked warm and comforting like normal and he just seemed so much more personal now than when I first met him. He kept his head tilted and watched me for a couple more seconds until he announced, "You're extraordinary Althea."

I didn't know what to say. He had managed to take my breath away. For someone whom I had met so few times, I felt as if I had known him forever. I looked down at Carmella who was asleep on Trent's feet. A quiet thank you was all I had managed to come up with. Trent sighed and looked towards the sky. I didn't turn my head but out of the corner of my eye I could tell he was hurt. I never thought myself foolish before that moment but that day was full of firsts.

Trent left not long after that and all night I kept mentally kicking myself. "Stupid, stupid, stupid," I muttered to myself between shivers all night long. Not even Carmella provided me with the warmth I needed. I had decided my flutter feeling was good because it was now replaced with a pain. It felt physical even though I knew it wasn't and it felt sharp. Ugh, I was so stupid. Thank you? I said thank you ungratefully and didn't look at him the rest of the night. What's wrong with me? I didn't fall asleep until I had exhausted myself to the point where I passed out, constantly tossing and turning.

I awoke to the sun beaming down on my face and beads of sweat dripping down into my eyes. My stomach dropped. So it was going to be one of those days? I moaned with annoyance and rolled over. In the background, I heard a laugh. Startled, I jumped up and reach for the shock gun before I could even process where the noise had come from. My heart was pounding in my ears. I could tell they were close from the laugh so no point in running. A callused hand rested itself on my shoulder, sending a tingle throughout my body, and I jumped, shooting the shock gun in the process.

"Althea chill! Holy crap!" It was just Trent. I really needed to learn to let my guard down for him but I could honestly be killed any minute so I doubt that would happen anytime soon.

"Sorry. You scared me and I was half asleep. You shouldn't expect any less," I apologised half-heartedly.

"Ya, lesson learned. And I shouldn't be surprised that you stole my gun either," he pointed with his head at his silver gun in my hands.

"Oh please. I got this the first day. You know, when you passed out like a little girl."

He smiled and a huge wave of relief washed through me. At least he wasn't upset or if he was, he wasn't going to let it show. "Are we ever going to get over that?" He asked but it was more like a beg.

"Eh, probably not. So, I, unlike you, have decided I am going to keep my part of the bargain today. Welcome to what your precious government is really like." I informed him. I felt a little bad whenever I said something bad about New Salt Lake. I mean, Trent always looked like a sad puppy when I brought it up. It was all true though and he needed to be aware for his sake. I couldn't go on knowing that he was so blinded by their so called "luxuries" and not be aware of the truth. It was amazing how we had only met about five other times since we made that proposition and we were already so relaxed with each other. It's hard to believe we practically wanted to rip each other apart at our first meeting. I glanced over at him as we walked to that junk yard where I injured myself. He looked so concentrated as we made our way through the forest, it was kind of admiring. I wished I could be so focused. If you had told me two months ago a guard of all people would become my closest friend, I would have laughed in your face and also probably would have been really concerned as to how you knew who I was. I wouldn't change it in anyway though.

We got to the edge and I sat down, letting my feet dangle off. Silently, he gave me a questioning look. "Don't worry," I assured him, "this isn't how I injured myself." Then, pointing to the sad, fraying rope by us, I commented, "that is how I injured myself." He just nodded quietly and took his place next to mine. As he went to put his hands behind him for support, our hands brushed for just one second. The fluttering was back.

Damn, Althea. Pull yourself together, I ordered myself. I cleared my throat to get his attention and told him every last detail I knew about the Materialers. I don't believe I've ever talked so animatedly before. I used my hands and I could feel my face light up when I talked about the really interesting details. He seemed amazed at how there were so many languages before instead of now. Now, according to Trent, every city, every country, every person spoke the same language. Even children were scolded for making up their own during playtime.

"Wow." He said in awe after I had finished. He gazed out at the old rusting buildings. "My whole life, this has been right here and I never knew about it."

"Ya." That was all I could say, I remember finding this place a couple years ago and I was so impressed with its beauty. After awhile though I got used to it and took it for granted. Now with Trent beside me, I could see the beauty in it yet again. "OH! Trent! I cannot believe I forgot to tell you this!" I exclaimed with such excitement. "The night I injured myself I saw this blue glow on the other side of this valley. You know? New Salt Lake has one at night too. I'm so sure it is another city. Maybe one with a different government. One day, if I get enough courage, I think Carmella and I will leave. Have an actual life for once. I'm so hopeful. I mean, it's my only shot. Trent," I looked him in the eyes. I could feel mine widening with excitement. "I could be free," I finished breathlessly, my voice high pitched from pure hope.

He grabbed my hand, pulling me a little closer, "Althea, you have the courage of a hundred soldiers. I believe in you. I'm so happy you can get your shot." He squeezed my hand and smiled. Even though his wonderful smile was gleaming in my direction, I couldn't help but notice that he looked a little disappointed.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Jul 08, 2015 ⏰

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