Start from the beginning

"I can hear you! Stop jumping around." I laugh before taking a closer look at number one.

He wasn't facing me so I narrow my eyes to take a look at the name printed the back of his shirt.


The same blue eyes, dimples, and brown hair.


There is a loud buzz, signaling for a break.

"Five minutes of watching cheerleaders show off their amazing bodies, way to make me feel so self-conscious," Sapphire says wryly, before sitting down the bench.

I look around me, as some of the audience walks down the bleachers, probably to get some snacks.

"I'm heading down, any requests?" I ask them, but they both shake their heads so I go alone.

I bite my lip, it's going to be okay. Nothing bad is going to happen.

"Umph." My eyes widen when I see who I bumped into. I quickly say sorry before walking away.

I can feel my heart beating fast and I almost run. I walk opposite the food court and keep going until I reach--

"You're not allowed in the boy's locker room," says a very muscular guy wearing a white-striped shirt.

I ignore the eyes of the people looking at me, "I just need to talk to someone real quick, I promise,"

I give him my famous smile, knowing that it's been melting hearts since 1995. Hopefully. It is a bit hard to smile in a very smelly place, and considering that I was just standing outside the locker room, inside probably smells worse.

"Who are you looking for?" He looks at me with his narrowed eyes, probably unsure whether to trust me or not, which is understandable because I also don't trust myself doing this.

"Number one," I say, because saying his name out loud would bring back memories-- the good ones. Those memories made him look so kind, caring, funny-- everything that he isn't now.

The guy looks at me one last time before turning his back and calling Mr. Anderson. Just as he turns away, I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding. I tuck my hair behind my ears, something I always do when I'm nervous.

I can feel my heart beating so fast that if I were a car, I'd be getting a speeding ticket.

I watch the blue-eyed man walk outside, his face clearly displaying confusion. The body guard points at me, and my heart stops when my eyes connect with blue crystal ones.

He's grown a lot, like a lot. He's taller now, and his face has changed. His muscles have gotten a whole lot bigger, and underneath his white shirt, I can see his -- okay, I need to stop.


"H-hi," I say weakly, not sure why I am even talking to him. But it has been way too long, and I think we both need closure.

Yes, that's the purpose of this.

Christian looks at me for a long time, and I can't help but stand taller and clear my throat. "Christian?"

He blinks at me and starts opening his mouth but is cut off by someone inside the locker room, "Two minutes, Anderson, hurry up!"

"Yeah, just give me a minute!" he shouts back. I wait for him to talk to me, but he says nothing.

"Okay, I know it's surprising that after all these years, I'm suddenly talking to you like a normal person. All I just want to do is catch up with you, and-- Wow, look at you!" I smile widely at him, hoping he won't recognize it as fake.

"Massie, why are you here?" Christian's voice got few octaves lower since I last talked to him, and he said my name as if it was a warning.

I laugh nervously, "I study here, obviously, but I didn't know you're also studying here, and you play for the team!" I was surprised that I can even talk properly as I face someone who clearly doesn't enjoy my presence.

Thud thud. Thud thud.

"I have been playing for two years on this team. Plus, why would I bother telling you where I am studying, we aren't that close," he says darkly, clearly wanting me to get hurt.

Thud. Thud.

I can feel my throat tightening, but I can't let him win. We said too many hurtful things to each other before, and I'm not letting this be one of them, too. "Oh, well, I'm happy for you. This is your dream, isn't it?"

There's a very long silent and I can feel the eyes of the bodyguard behind Christian looking at me. My mouth starts getting tired from smiling way too much, so I slowly turn it downwards.

"You know, Troy Bolton made it look so easy for someone to date a basketball player. Let alone be friends with one," I say wryly, hoping he would get the hint.

He has to.

"Well, you used to be friends with one," he retorts, not hiding the venom in his voice, "Now that we've talked, I need to go back inside because I have much more important things to do." Without saying goodbye, he walks away, clearly done with our conversation.

And that is the last time, I promise to myself, I am ever going to be the one to fix our problem. Because of the numerous times that Christian hurt me, this just reassures me that he is still the same person.

He still has his way to break me and my heart. My heart that still yearns for his hugs that used to catch me off guard, his smile that used to brighten my day, his laughs that used to be my favorite sound, his voice when we used to talk about anything and nothing, his thoughtfulness that used to make me feel like the luckiest girl in the world, his existence that used to listen me babble even if I knew it would bore him; through it all he stayed.

And now, he's gone. This is the last time, I promise myself, that I make the first move.

Clearly, he doesn't need closure.

And clearly, he still hasn't grown up.

Be still my heart, you deserve someone so much better.

A U T H O R 'S N O T E

dedicated to @Pacificco because her quotes on her book "Immortal" always make me think of how great of a writer she is. Plus, she made the banner up over there ^^

Question of the Chapter: (feel free to answer one of them or all of them)

1. What do you think of the bodyguard and how he treated Massie? Because I kinda feel threatened by him.

2. What are your thoughts on Heather and Sapphire? Are they good cheerleaders or what? If you have any good ideas on what I should replace 'Roosters' as their team name, feel free to leave the suggestion below!

3. Do you watch High School Musical? If yes, then is Troy Bolton your dream guy? If no, you better watch it because it's good!

edited by laimpalaismypatronus, thanks! :)

p.s. SMILE! :)

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