As I was thinking, I was interrupted by Alex shouting "woooo Austin! Go austin!"

My eyes opened wide as I slapped his arm and told him to be quiet.

He tells me to be quiet but he's the one shouting. Hypocrite.

Alex didn't shut up and started clapping his hardest as he walked out on stage.

Austin turned back and noticed Alex as he jumped off the stool.

My heart started racing as Alex stopped clapping and said something to Austin that I couldn't make out.

"She's here?" Austin spoke surprised yet weirdly happy.

My heart in my throat as I watch Austin look around with a smile on his face.

"Hold on guys. An old friend is here, I'll be back." He spoke into the mic as he handed the mic to Alex and ran backstage.

Alex's expression wasn't as happy as Austin. Alex seemed down and looked like he did something wrong.

Be calm, Bea. He's talking about you. Breathe.

I saw Austin look left and right and proceeded my direction.

What are you going to say to him?

Wait ... Why is he running?

Wait. What?

He completely ignored me and ran through the heavy doors.

He didn't say hi to me nor look at me. With confusion, I turned and speed walked to Alex.

"Old friend?" I asked confused. "You were talking about me right?"

Alex's eyes were wide and eyebrows were raised up. "Ohhhhh no." He said as if he did something wrong.

"What ?" I questioned dumbfounded while I watch him pace back and forth.

"I am so sorry Bea ..." He apologized as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I completely forgot .." Alex ran his fingers through his hair.

"Forgot what?" I asked but he didn't answer my question.

"She's here now and you're here ..." He looked into my eyes. "You're here oh god."

He creased his eyebrows as I was lost again.

Wait. She?

"She? Alex whose she? ..." I asked again as he looked down.

Scared to know who it is, I asked him again but he just looked at me with his big brown eyes.

"You're going to hate me but ..."

"I told her not to come because you're here and she said "I don't care" and I'm like "don't come" but she just texted now that she's here and I thou-"

"Alex .. Whose here?" I interrupted him as he looked at me with his puppy dog eyes.

My intentions were right.

"Becky's here?" I spoke lowly as he nodded his head and looked down.

I should've known. I suddenly rememberer my dream from earlier.

Where I dreamed of Becky coming to the show.

I guess my dream came true because she's here now. I don't know what to do.

I have one question though.

Why is Austin excited that Becky's here?

So why do you think Austins excited that Becky's there? Mmm ??? Mmmmm ???

I know this chapter was short next one will be long :)_ I promise ! Hahahaaa

But 15 votes and I'll make chapter 19 ! Yasss you don't want to miss it :)

Feel free to comment because I love all of your comments and yeah.

This lovely chapter goes to @AltheaJanelleLCastro :)  she's been voting every single chapter and her comment last chap made me tear a little :') ily

If you want to be dedicated next chapter, comment that you do :)

Bye lovelies :)


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