chapter 4

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[Edited: 08.10.2016.] 🌸✔️
I changed the point of view from third person to first person aka your viewpoint.
Nothing of the story line was changed, only made some improvements of  the paragraphs that my amateur mind came up with. :)

"What the...?!" I stared at the boy with wide eyes. "How the hell did you get in here?! The building is locked!" I exclaim as I roll the chair back a little. I was beyond confused, but fear was t what I felt. He didn't seem intimidating at all.

"I have my ways~" He smirked. "By the way.. Im B-..." He was interrupted by me screaming.

"Oh my god it's the duck!" I reacted quickly and closed the right door, signed in the process and correcting myself. "'s the chicken."

"What I was trying to say was..-"

I shrieked and close the left door.

Bang, bang, bang.

The boy had this look on his face '-___-'

"I'm sorry for trying to SURVIVE." I drop back onto the chair as the boy got out from under the table. Once he stood up straight, he was pretty tall. Way taller than me.

"Anyway.." He began, "MynameisBonnie!!" He said very quickly because he didn't want any interruptions.


"I'm Bonnie!"


"Is..something wrong?" He sat down on the table as he watched me. I shifted uncomfortably under his stare, looking down to the tablet.

"Well...besides trying to avoid bloodthirsty robots who are trying to kill me.. Everything's great!" For a second, I forgot this boy actually showed up from no where. Did he climb a window?

Said Bonnie chuckles. "Is that so."

"Y-Yeah. Wait." I slowly got up from my chair and walked closer to Bonnie. Curiosity took over my mind.

"W-What are you doing..?" He slightly leaned back as I neared him.

"Oh nothing..just.." I reached my hands and touched his bunny ears. You slightly tugged at them. My brows furrowed. "....either they are glued on your head..or I'm seeing a boy with bunny ears right in front of me.." I backed up a little.

"Silly! They are real! I'm Bonnie the bunny! Y'know.. The "bloodthirsty" robot who is out to get you. I'm just in my human form, as you can see."

"How is that possible?" I whispered. "Don't lie. This doesn't happen in real life. Now explain how you got in here before I call the police."

"Um.. I don't know. It just..happens. And I'm not lying."

I still refused to believe this. It just didn't seem possible. "Lets make this clear, are you gonna kill me? Since you are the animatronic and the guy on the phone said you will do that." I explained, "I'm just trying to earn money man."

Bonnie rolled his eyes. "Of course not. I'm too lazy to." I raised and eyebrow.

"But.." He continued. "I'm not sure about the others.. You see.. Freddy doesn't like night guards and so does Chica. Foxy? Well, he's an emotional mess because of the bite of '87. Pretty sure he will try to kill you! And Goldie..." He trailed off. "..I suggest not running into him."

"I..." I started but I was cut off.

"Hey. You didn't tell me your name." Bonnie crossed his hands and tilted his head to the side, trying to spot a name tag on me, which I didn't have.

"It's [y/n].." I say quietly, still dazed by the information he gave earlier. Either this is real or I'm on a prank show.

"Nice to meet'cha, [y/n]! Oh and..don't worry! I'm sure the animatronics won't kill you!"


For the rest of the night me and Bonnie talked about whatever came to our minds. And the bite of '87, though he didn't give me much information. He seemed like a nice guy. It's hard to imagine him being a robot. But based on what he told me, it's pretty believable. He didn't even know a lot about the human technology.

The 6 AM bell went off as I packed my stuff.

Bonnie leaded me to the front doors. The stage was empty and the place itself was quiet. Where do they hide when they aren't on the stage? That's a question I'd like to be answered.

As I walked out... I felt eyes watching me, making me uncomfortable. And with that. I left, not daring to look back in fear of what I could see.

••Freddy's P.O.V.••

I watched as [y/n] exited the building. I could feel she was scared. She better be... Because the next night.. I'm coming for her.

He smirked.

••Chica's P.O.V.••

Wow. She had the nerve to befriend Bonnie! What is up with that?! He is such a fool...shame on him.

I stared her down as she left. God I hated that girl. I'm coming for you.

I'll try to be the first one to stuff you in a suit and watch the life fade out of your eyes.

••Foxy's P.O.V.••


I peeked out of the curtains as I watched as Chica and Freddy stared the girl down.

She didn't seem like the evil tipe...

No! The quietest waters are the deepest. She is masking her true self.

I know that Chica and Freddy are going to try to kill her next night. I'll beat them to it.

I wanna see her suffer as I did.

Bonnie is a fool for trusting her.

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