4| Mia

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It's five o'clock am and I am so tired. Aubrey's quiet I'm quiet and I don't know how much further I can go, I am literally about to pass out. Sure the venti Caramel Crunch Frappichino helped give me energy but that wore out around 2 hours ago.

After we got to Aubrey's house we went to work right away, we watched 3 movies including: Pitch Perfect ( Aubrey's choice ), Avengers ( my choice ), and Frozen ( one that we both agreed on ). The movie watching ended around two am because we got bored, so we played a board game, Clue to be exact. Seven total games of that. I'm pretty sure that I will never play it again, fortunately I won five of those games although I did have the advantage seeing that I have a big family who designates Friday as our "Family Game Night." Around the end of the last game is when my caffeine wore of and now here I am staring at the wall contemplating why there are cat facial expression emojis.

"Hey Aub." I say to her thoughtfully.

"What?" she replies with a groan

"Why do you think there is a kissy face cat emoji, or a crying face cat emoji, or a laughing one?" I ask seriously. When your up this late the delusion gets to you.

"I don't know. Why don't you ask it." Way to put the sarcasm in your answer Aub I think as I give her the stink eye. As I look at her I notice that her eyes are moving around to different places, meaning she has something on her mind, and I think I know what that something is.

On the drive to her house she asked a lot of questions about Hunter but I answered in short quick answers not wanting to talk about it, and I know that it is bugging her. Sighing I close my eyes and tell her:

"Just say it Aub."

"Say what?" She replies faking clueless.

I sigh again and roll my eyes. "Aub, it's pretty obvious that you want to ask me questions about Hunter." I tell her slightly annoyed.

"Okay, okay." She gives in, "Although it's not really about Hunter, I mean he's on part of my mind, but you're taking up most of it."

"And why is that?" Worry starts creeping into my thoughts.

"Well, It's not you exactly, but your situation." "Oh." I feel a embarrassed about my rant earlier in the day. I wish I hadn't done that, I hate getting help from other people, I'll admit, I have a pride problem. I don't know where exactly it comes from, but I don't really care to fix it. When I told those things to Aubrey I was in a slight moment of weakness and I regret it.

"Aub, don't worry about it, I can figure it out on my own." I end up telling her.

"You don't have to though, I want to help you." She argues. "You've already helped with a lot of stuff already, I don't want you to do anything else." I reply.

"Mia, you're my best friend. I have no choice but to help you, It's what best friends do." She insisted.

"Can't you understand I don't want your help!" I'm say, now getting annoyed.

"But I want to help Mia! What the heck has gotten into you? You used to gladly take my help."

"I don't want your charity anymore! You don't understand my life, much less think you can fix it. You're rich, pretty. You can get anything you want in a blink of an eye. That's why I hate shopping! Speaking of shopping, I don't want any of the clothes we bought today anymore." I raise my voice.

"You will take those clothes Mia, and you will take my help." She replies raising her voice as well.

"No I won't Aubrey! I will do this on my own, and you will let me!" I realize that I am being ridiculous but being the stubborn person I am, I don't stop arguing.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2015 ⏰

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