3| Aubrey

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"Does this make me look fat?" I look at the yellow dress, hugging my body, in the full size mirror at Forever 21.

"No, of course not!" I hear Mia say. She is sitting in a black leather chair giving input on my outfits I picked out. We have been in this store for about an hour so far. I mean, they have cute clothes for cheap prices!

We (meaning mostly me) both picked out a few (more like twenty or thirty) clothing items to try on. Then we judge each other, and figure out which ones to get. It really is a great strategy when shopping with your friends. "Of course you have to say that! If not that would be rude." I huff out some air and look at the dress again. It seems to make my stomach look bloated. Sadly, I don't have the privilege of a flat stomach. But I am not chubby either.

"Well, I am saying the truth." She states and pushes up her black rimmed glasses to normal position. I take one more good look at the dress.

"I am not getting it." I state and lock myself in the dressing room. I hear Mia give out a long sigh. "I don't want to hear any complaining!" I firmly say, before bursting out into giggles.

"I am not complaining...yet." I hear her whisper and I giggle again.

"You are so funny." I reply before pulling on some black skinny jeans and a blue flannel top. The skinny jeans fit my legs very well, and the flannel is just a tad too big. The way I like it. I throw on my black converse to make the outfit perfect and unlock the door. "Do you like it?" I grin and prance out toward Mia.

She stands up and circles me, her hand stroking her chin playfully. Her eyes scan my body, checking every detail of this perfect outfit. Mia sits back down in the leather chair and nods eagerly. "That is the perfect outfit." She gives me a thumbs up and I jump up and down.

"Finally! I never thought I would find a good outfit." I giggle and look in the mirror again. It is hard for me to find something I like to wear that is not glitter, or oversize to cover up my body. "Well, it's your turn now. Into the dressing room you go darling!" I grab her wrist and push her into the dressing room.

"Why am I doing this again?" Mia snorts. I take a seat where she was sitting and grab my phone out. On the home screen are tons of notifications, once again.

"Because you love me. Oh, and if you didn't, I would drag you here anyway." I say and giggle again. "Oh my gosh!" I suddenly yell out, probably a bit too loud. People from the dressing rooms all turn around and look at me. "Oh... sorry." I say and blush. I can feel the heat move to my cheeks and I slouch a bit in the leather chair.

"What was that about?" I hear Mia concernedly say from the dressing room.

"I haven't taken like any pictures! This is a crisis, Mia. I need pictures." I say. Pictures mean a lot to me. I love taking them, and being able to print them out and have memories. I didn't do that enough with my Mom, and I am making an effort to do it now. "Good thing I brought my Polaroid!" I squeal, once again attracting the attention of the entire store.

I ignore the stares and pull the light blue camera from my purse. I put in the brand new regular film, and hold it in my right hand, ready to take a picture. "Mia? You need help?" I ask her. She has been in there far too long. "Mia? Hellloooooo..." I stand up and go towards the dressing room, pressing my ear against the door.

"I know I am sorry." I hear her whisper. Who is she talking to?

"Okay..." I hear her say playfully and she giggles. Giggles? Mia? This is confusing.

"Love you too." Love you too? She never says that to anyone. Who is she talking too!

"No you hang up." She says and giggles again.

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