"I still don't know why you are here though."

"Lucy, she somehow convinced us that the only way for us to keep her safe was to rescue you, I'm not really sure how she did it, but it made sense at the time.   Jamie was supposed to come in and break you out discreetly but the alpha ordered that he help him find Lucy.   But Jamie has them looking in the opposite direction.   Lucy and Will are gone to the alpha's house.   Once we get you out, the plan is for you and Lucy to mate and then fight the alpha, but I'm pretty sure the Alpha knows about me trying to rescue you now so we have to get you to the house quickly.   If you stand up I'll clean any wounds on your back and then you can shift.   You need to start healing now.   That door won't hold very long and there is not much room in here to fight".

I stand up, my chest and arms are clean of the poison now, how did Lucy make my most loyal men break the only order I have given them.   She is a smart one.   That brings a smile to my face, but then I start to worry again.   She only has Will with her.   He is strong but he can't defend her against multiple wolves.  I need to get to her.   There is banging on the door now, they are trying to get in. We will have to fight our way out of here.

"All done, I can't smell anymore poison".   I shift, ok, I'm not dead, that's a good sign, all the poison is out.   I snap the chains holding me with ease.   Now if I could just have a few hours to heal, I'd be perfect.   I lay down on the floor and stay still, letting my wolf heal us.   I know in a matter of seconds the door will burst open and I will have to fight, until that happens I have to focus on healing.   I see Matt ‘s in his wolf form, he is walking over to the door, he will ambush the wolves that run for me.

The door fly’s off its hinges.   Wolves start pouring into the small room.

" stand down and shift back into human form Alex, that is an order from your alpha" I'm not sure who said it, but I will not submit.

“I can't do that, I am leaving this room, either you move out of my way or I go through you. I don't want to hurt any member of this pack but my mate, your future alpha needs me. And I will not hesitate to kill any who stands in my way. It's up to you".   I know they won’t just let me leave, but I need to stall them long enough to heal some more.   The wolf nearest me bars its teeth, then more wolves join in.   I have to show them I am dominant over them.   I genuinely don't want to hurt any of them but I will not let a single one of them stop me from leaving this room.   I let out and almighty growl and get ready to jump.   Then every wolf in the room starts moving, some attacking Matt and some coming for me.

A grey wolf goes my throat but I beat him away with my paw, he falls to the floor, another two wolves come for me, one on either side of me.   I attack the one on my left, I go for his throat as I clamp down the other wolf smashes into me knocking me against the wall, more of them are around me now, I growl and get back on my feet, I grab the one that smashed into me with my jaw and throw him across the room, the wolves around me take a step back.

A brown wolf with white tipped ears is the next one to come for me, he jumps and I stand on my hind legs and we meet mid way in the air, both trying to get a grip of the others throat, but he gets pulled away from me.   I look for the wolf that pulled him back, expecting to see Matt, but it's the head of the alphas guard.   Ok, this is not good, I have fought him before and he is good.  With all the other wolves in here I might not have such an easy time getting out.   He shifts into human form, what the hell? Is he suicidal? He turns his back to me and faces the other wolves, Matt stops fighting too.   

"It's time men.   For too long we have followed an alpha who is not worthy of our respect, we all know he beats a woman monthly, none of us know her crime.   But we go along with it because he is our alpha.   Well no more.   I have just been informed of who this woman is, and why she is treated as the omega of this pack.   He beats her because he blames her for the rogue attack where he lost Conner and Sakura.   We all know this not to be the truth.   But here is something that we didn't know, that innocent girl that even I have spat at on the street.." he turns around to me and mouths "I'm sorry" and turns back to the crowd.   "She is the future alpha that Alex here is trying to save from his deluded father.   They are mates and his father has kept them apart for years and he makes Alex watch as his mate is beaten.   Like I said before men, we all knew the alpha was losing it, but this is the final straw.   I am not only going to let Alex walk out of this room unhurt, I am going to kill any of you who stand in his way.   So far Alex has not killed any of you, even though he could have. He is our new alpha, and we are keeping him from his mate.   He should have gone for the kill at every attack but he hasn't because he cares for each member of the pack, he knew that none of us knew what was happening between him and his father.   In front of all of you, here and now I pledge my allegiance to the alpha pair Alex and Lucy".   He turns to me and cuts his hand, I cut my paw with one of my claws and we touch each other’s wounds.   He is now bonded to me.

This is not what I expected, how did he find out everything?   Will the rest of them feel the same way about my father, some bonds are hard to break.   I shift into human form, I know if I'm attacked now I am more likely to die but I need to know.   "How did you find out about Lucy?"

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