"Maybe Davenport might know something about this." I brought up.

"If you could do that with your mind, I wonder what I can do with mine!!" Adam laughed.

"We've been wondering that for years." Bree high-fived me and we all went to class.


We went down into the lab after school and Leo was ahead of us.

"Chase, this is amazing! You can move things with your mind! You're like a really cool magician. You know, if there was such a thing as a really cool magician." Leo told Chase while holding a sandwich.

"It doesn't make any sense. It was probably just a fluke. I mean, it's not like everything around me is gonna suddenly start flying through the air." Chase waved his hand and the chair, Leo's sandwich, and some stuff on Davenport's table flew out of place and crashed into the wall. They all looked wide-eyed at Chase and he stood still.

"I'm gonna go tell Mr. Davenport about this." Bree stood up and was about to walk out of the lab, but Chase stopped her.

"If this is a glitch and Mr. Davenport find out about it, he won't let me go to school anymore!" Chase told us.

"Let's see if he has something about this in his files!" I offered and walked over to the desk when they nodded. I opened it and holographic files appeared on top of the table. I stopped at the correct file and opened it.

"Whoa. This isn't a glitch! I can move objects by manipulating the energy around them. I've unlocked a hidden bionic ability called Molecular Kinesis." Chase told us while Leo and I moved aside so the trio could absorb all of the information. I slightly clench my jaw in worry because I was also in the same position a few years ago each time I would discover a hidden ability...

"Chase, I'm gonna need you to also unlock your ability to use smaller words." Adam told him with a bit of sarcasm.

"According to this, we all have hidden abilities!" Chase read.

"What!" "What are they?" Bree and Adam asked him. I fiddle with one of my rings that I had on and look at them with more worry. 'I hope they don't find out now...'

"I don't know. Let me see!" Chase exited out of the file and searched for the rest but there was a security lock on the rest. Before it shut us out I saw a file named: Lab Rat D. I stiffen a little bit without anyone noticing and I silently let out my breath when they were shut out.

"Mr. Davenport probably put a security lock on it. I'm sorry guys. I guess we'll just have to discover them on our own." Chase told them sadly.

"Fine." Bree groaned.

"Maybe my new ability is that I can speak Russian! Testing...Testing..." Adam thought aloud and moved a little bit to see if there was any change. "Is this Russian?"

"Keep looking." Bree answered.

"Also you can use the internet or learn Russian yourself. I would say that would be a bad ability..." I trailed off by leaning on the table.


"No. Don't do it! He is an evil, two-faced liar!" I heard from Leo when I came into the kitchen.

"Oh, you guys talking about Marcus?" I said while getting a drink.

"See! Destiny believes me!" Leo points at me.

"Look guys, I don't think this is a really good weekend..." He continued even though the doorbell rang. Chase answered it and Marcus came in with a slightly angry face.

The Hidden Bionic (~Lab Rats FF: Season 1~) -COMPLETED-Where stories live. Discover now