Photo Albums & Mark Jefferson

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I feel like Nathan & Rachel were possibly good friends. And Nathan knows something to do with what happened to her, and feels bad for it possibly, but can't tell anyone about it or he could get into trouble. I think this for 2 reasons.
-Reason 1- In the 3rd chapter of life is strange when Max walks up to Nathan at Chloe's mom's diner wearing Rachel's clothes. Nathan smiles and his face lights up. But when he realizes it's really just Maxine his facial expression changes.
-Reason 2- in the scene showed in the picture above (click on it to see the full image) it shows red photo albums, with multiple girls names on them. One has Rachel's name, one has Kate's name, near the one with Kate's name on it Lies a picture of Kate. Since Mr Jefferson is the schools Photography teacher, and famous photographer, I feel like he had something to do with Rachel disappearing as well. And possibly had something to do with Rachel being in the "Dark Room" also. I think this because throughout the game there is pictures of girls in warehouse looking old buildings. Including ones of Rachel, none of the models seem to be smiling and their eyes seem to be shut. maybe they were drugged and didn't know what was going on (like kate). Maybe that's what they were trying to do to Kate, just get pictures of her like the ones around Blackwell academy. Kate mentioned that it was white & bright and in these pictures they are usually white & black/ discoloured. And the facial features don't seem as dominant as the people look in other pictures (example: Rachel) so maybe the white & bright Kate was talking about really was just a camera flash. Mark Jefferson also mentioned something about framing any of his students in a "Dark Corner" at any moment. Maybe he was referring to keeping them in the "Dark Room" at any moment, like Rachel.

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