Chapter 1: A Rude Awakening

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My Sister is a Magical Girl Chapter 1: A Rude Awakening

There were few things in life more wonderful than being lost in a peaceful slumber. But with such a blissful state can an equally painful feeling of being torn from the peaceful slumber by the sound of earthshattering noises.

Sora mumbled something that was a cross between a groan and some profanity as he reached out from under the covers, smacking, punching and bashing his alarm clock with his hand, hoping that something he would do would hit the snooze button, but the noises just kept coming and were getting even louder.

"Hey, don't eat the fire extinguisher!"

Then it occurred to him.

It wasn't his alarm clock waking him up at some cruel hour of the morning, but it was his sister, Jade, trying to control some sort of creature that apparently decided to visit them this morning. Sora was normally able to sleep through these pretty easily, something he'd gotten used to over the years, but once he woke up while there was some type of battle going on downstairs, it was pretty hard to go back to sleep.

So he decided to get out of bed, and looking at his alarm clock that was now on the ground, he saw it was only a few minutes before he needed to get up, so this wasn't too early of an awakening.

He heard the sound of something slamming into the wall downstairs, several other sounds that he guessed was his sister jumping off the couch. The lights in Sora's room then went out, which he guessed was some type of electrical attack blowing the power out again. This really annoyed him as it made it hard to see the clothes in his closet, and while he wasn't one to really worry about how he looked at school, he wanted an outfit that didn't make it obvious he got dressed in the dark on his last day of school.

After getting dressed to an adequate degree, the lights came back on, which was a bit of annoying timing, but he was glad that he wouldn't have to fix that later. He then left his room and started heading downstairs, wondering what kind of creature it was this time. As he rounded the corner, he didn't have time to react as his sister was flying back at him, crashing into him while she was upside down and knocking them into the wall.

"Rough morning?" he asked as she tried to get right side up again while getting off him.

"Yeah, this is the third one of these," Jade said.

Sora got up and saw the monster in their living room, this one looking canine like though without the fur, and it seemed to be very interested in the TV. The creature was pawing and growling at it. Sora was just glad it didn't have any bite marks in it yet.

"Are you okay?" Jade asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Sora was pretty sure he'd have a few bruises, but he didn't feel any blood coming out of him, and nothing felt broken so that was a good sign.

Sora stood back as Jade rushed at the creature. Five star like objects appeared hovering around Jade as she ran at the monster, two of them flying forward, hitting it, which got its attention again. Jade then sent the other stars forward pelting it, but the monster swiped one away with its claw before rushing at Jade. The monster then opened its mouth and a blast of fire came from it, however the stars came back to Jade, hovering just in front of her, and they created a shield of energy that blocked the fire. Jade then sent the stars forward again, this time having them surround the beast, and encompass it with their energy. The monster was frozen from this, and Jade held out her hand, concentrating on the monster, trying not to let it get away. The energy held it in place, through Sora could see it trying to escape. Soon the ground beneath the monster turned a bright light which soon engulfed the monster, consuming it. The stars then returned to Jade's side and the light faded, leaving the house without a monster.

"Finally," Jade said sitting down on the couch as the stars faded away around her. Sora was pretty sure the couch was on the opposite side of the room from where it was before, but he figured that probably wasn't something to worry about. "I just hope that's the last of them," she said with a sigh. "I still can't believe you can sleep through these battles."

"I guess I've just gotten used to it is all. I don't have that weird tingly sensation when something magical happens," Sora said with a yawn while walking into the kitchen so he could make breakfast. However, as he went to the fridge, he noticed something was missing.

The fridge to be exact.


"What?" she asked, a bit worn out and annoyed.

"Did you blow up the fridge again?"

"No, do you see any pieces of the door laying around or cottage cheese covering the ceiling fan?"

Sora looked up and didn't see anything that would indicate any appliances exploding. However, that still left the question of why there was the big gap where the fridge should be, which led to the more important question of what he was going to eat. He then turned back to her with a look on his face which expressed his thoughts better than any words could.

She gave the most innocent look she could to Sora before saying, "I kind of accidently knocked it into the leyline though." There were a lot of things about this magic world Sora didn't understand, but he still didn't think it was possible for a fridge that was up against a wall to be knocked into a portal. "You should probably just get breakfast at school today," Jade then with a nonchalant shrug of her shoulders before she grabbed the remote and turned on the TV.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Sora really didn't trust the food that school served for breakfast. Or really for any meal for that matter, especially after finding a chicken bone in an ice-cream sandwich, but eating one meal there a day was risky enough. "Give Wiona a call and see if she can come over today," he said, heading back to the living room, hungry and defeated.

"I texted her after that battle, so she should be able to make it after school," Jade said.

"Good," I'll go shopping once she gets it fixed. This really sucks, we still had half the birthday cake from Noel's party in there," Sora said, the talk of food making him even hungrier.

"I knew we should have eaten it all last night," Jade mumbled. "Think we can convince Heather to give us the recipe?"

"Probably, she said her family always wants her to make another cake for them after that other birthday party," Sora said.

"Then again, cakes always taste better when someone else makes it," Jade then added. Jade turned back to the TV, trying to find a station that wasn't either depressing news or commercials. Sora then went back to the kitchen to see if there was anything edible that hasn't been relocated to another dimension.

After a couple minutes of fruitless searching, Jade spoke up. "Sora, you should probably head to school now," she said.

"Another monster?"

"Possibly several of them," she said getting up with a sigh and the stars formed around her again.

"Just be careful," he said, as he went for the door.

"Don't worry, they'll probably be pretty weak."

Sora then put the box of cereal away before grabbing his backpack and leaving the house. He took a quick look back as he walked over to his car. He knew that Jade would be fine, she always had been since she got these powers and had to fight the monsters from time to time. With her and her friends, there wasn't anything to worry about. But still, he wouldn't lie and say he wasn't at least a little bit unsettled knowing his sister was someone who had to fight to save humanity from all creatures. Despite how strong her magic was and the fact that a building could fall on her without leaving a scratch, he still worried that one day, she wouldn't come back in one piece.

A/N: And that concludes the first chapter of my first ever magical girl story! Actually, probably my only magical girl story, unless I write a fan-fic for Madoka or something. Which considering that dream I had last night with Kyoubi and Jun from "When Supernatural Battles Become Commonplace" might be possible. But one new story at a time!

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I already have the next chapter written and actually have some plans for this one, so I hope you'll stay with me.


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