Chapter 2 (Part 2)

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                                                         Chapter 2 (Part 2)

    I finally take notice of the school area around us. All of the colors everywhere have a grey watercolor effect to them. It's like a wide hallway, with a door-less room over to the right, and two more hallways that part and go right and left, and ahead there are exits that lead to outside, and mini lockers at the sides. It looks like a normal school, but there are many horrific scenes waiting to be discovered my Slenderman's victims. Kasey and I start walking, the forced slowness annoying me within seconds. We enter the first room we see, which was towards the right and only a few steps away. The room is small, and has two exits on the opposite side of the entrance, and a window at the right side.

    "Which one?" I ask Kasey, gesturing to the two rooms in front of us.

   "Ummm . . . left." she says after a slight pause. We walk in and already, the fear that was supposed to induce into my mind finally appears.

    "Ohhh, no. Is that a teddy bear?" I ask mostly myself as we spot the shadowed figure crumbled up in the corner of the room.

    "I'm not sure . . . aren't they all impaled on a wall thingy?" asks Kasey. Are they . . . ?

    "I  . . . I don't remember . . ." I admit.

   "Oh, COME ON, Kris, save me!" Kasey whines, AGAIN.

   "Wait -" I say as we finally pass the teacher's chair and desk and can just make out the figure in the corner of the room. "AHHHHH!" Kasey and I scream. C'mon, wouldn't you shriek if you saw a severad arm lying right in front of you? It was pure white and covered in blood, a dried pool of blood surrounding it.

    "That is not a teddy bear!!!" Kasey says.

    "No duh!!!"

    "Lets go over, there." says Kasey, grabbing my tembling wrist and leading me to the room towards the right of the arm. Once we enter that room, it has the exact same format as the room before, exept there is a teddy bear impaled on the wall right next to the desk. This time, Kasey walks over and slides the teddy bear off of the blade and gives it to me to hold as all of the sounds in the enviornment around us stop for a brief second and soon come back, this time the beating rumbling sound joining in.

    We walk over to the doorway that was less than a foot to the right of the bear and enter the hallways again.

    "Oh, I do not like this . . ." I mumble.

    "The feeling is mutual." said Kasey. We take notice of the surroundings by looking behind us for only a second, then left and right, but we decide to keep walking straight ahead, where more classrooms appear, just like in a normal school.

    "Who ever was the guy that made this game," I start, "is a pure genius, because the atmosphere is unbelievably-" I was cut off by the light bulb blowing right above our heads. Kasey and I jump and cringe at the sudden sound; it was really loud compared to the quiet atmosphere around us. Not to mention it was cold and cloudy outside, the sky looking as if it was debating whether or not to rain at any second. And our sight wasn't exactly very distant. By that I mean anything about 10 feet in front of us is covered by a fog-like texture, even though there's no fog in the air.

    "Why? Just, why?? Why must they do that!?" Kasey complains. That was really a good jump-scare for people who were more or less relaxed.

    I sigh and Kasey and I continue to walk, going into the room that was to our left and find another teddy bear in there. I'm guessing all of the rooms have the same format, but the only difference is that seven of them contain impaled teddy bears. I walk up and grab it, and the sound that joins the ominous music is more of a very soft distinct sound, so soft I can barley hear it, but it adds on to the effect. We start to walk out and I take notice of the words drawn in blood on the bulliten board and the wall. They'er hard to read, but on the board I can make out the words, "Pick up sticks, seven, eight . . ." That stupid lullaby or whatever it is song? How come now it seems . . . mildly scary?

    We exit the room and make our way to the to the left and continue onwards.

    "We have two. Yeah! We're on a roll." says Kasey in a sing-song voice.

    "Now we need six more!" I say in a tone that ruins the exitment of acheiving to get more than one bear this try.

    We enter the room a few steps away from the room we were in and find another teddy bear. Like always, we take it but the sound that is welcomed into the chorus of ambeint noise is  . . . debatable. I can't tell if it's like a church bell ringing, or the semi-medium to highest keys of a piano being pushed all at once. Maybe it's both. Well, whatever it is, it's loud and just instantly came, making me and Kasey jump.

    "Nooooo, Slendy, don't do it. Please don't eat me, take Kas!' I say.

    "Shut up! Take her, she's umm . . . skinnier? No wait I mean-"

    "Be quiet before he litterally appears. And, skinnier? Dude, you totally messed up right there."

    "I meant to say more, muscle-y. I mean, you like swimming right?" Kasey says.

    "Shut up, there's another room over there." I mention as we go through the exit and walk across the dirty tile floor. It was a room to our left with a few more bulliten boards than the other rooms, with a desk and chair at the opposite side of the entrance and two doorways to choose from.

    "Which one?" Kasey asks this time. I puff the air out of my mouth and think. How long has it been since I played this map? The last one I remember playing is Claustraphobia. Which, indeed, wasn't fun. There were so many turns and dead ends, but I guess I can use that instinct to decide here.

    I look at each of the doorways, and without thinking as much as I thought I would, I made up my mind in less then a second.


Slender-Elementary {Sequal-ish to Slender-The 8 Pages}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt