Chapter 8: Secrets Revealed

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Luca was tied in a chair in a dark room. He noticed someone enter the room with cloths and such covering his body.

"Why did Lakiro hire you?" Luca's voice shrill cutting to the chase..

The assassin gave a hearty laugh, and replied, "Lakiro? It is a disgrace to work for such a coward. No, I represent someone else." The assailant leaned forward, hissing, "Tell me where they're going."

They searched all the buildings, but after the entire day of searching they could find no trace of their friend. Yamito and Kevin sat down defeated at the camp, Miyuki being reassured by Asami that they'd find their brother.

As they sat around the camp, Kevin finally realized what Yamito had just done. "Yamito, you just put an end to the Dark Mighty Guild! But, on the darker side of things, you also took out Lakiro before getting him to hand over or destroy the crystal."

"We were distracted, you expect me to focus on the crystal when I'm saving your life?"

"Well, as a matter of fact, we're all distracted right now. We should be at the portal to get to the Warlock of Skies, but then, shocker, we find out Asami has siblings. So we have to reunite them. But even before that Asami and I got captured by thugs! And after all that, we're looking for a crystal nearly on the other side of the world where we're supposed to be! We should head back to the cottage you found and use the portal!" Kevin explained roughly.

"Then we can go now. I've dealt with Lakiro, they're reunited, and the crystal is somewhere lost in the ruins with no more searchers."

Asami cleared her throat like the first day they met her and they turned. They waited in silence until Asami started to speak. "We're not reunited though. We have to find Luca, remember?"

"Always something," Yamito muttered.

"We'll find him then," Kevin answered with no doubt in his voice.

"Yep, and we need to hurry," said Miyuki.

They sighed, readied their weapons, and went back to the dungeon.

While they were walking back, Kevin asked, "Why aren't you crying?"

"What are you talking about Kevin?" asked Yamito as he looked confused.

"Lakiro you idiot!  You realized your childhood friend passed away in the real world and you're not even the slightest bit sad? I mean, you were the one who killed him!"  said Kevin.

"Why should I?  He left me and it's the right thing to do," said Yamito.

"Killing someone?  I don't think so," said Kevin.

"What do you know?  You kill thugs like him all the time," Yamito argued.

"But I don't really know them in real life!" Kevin shouted.

"Break it up you two," Miyuki intervened, stepping in between them. Kevin turned away and Yamito nodded.

When they got into the dungeon, Miyuki started shivering.

"Are you cold?" whispered Yamito with concern.

"Kind of," said Miyuki.

He took out a jacket from his backpack and gave it to Miyuki.

"Thank you," Miyuki said snuggly.

"I'd hate to die cold," said Yamito.

Overhearing their conversation, Kevin couldn't help a grin and moved to the front so the others wouldn't notice. Miyuki was struck silent by the comment and continued walking. Another ten minutes of straggling and hiking and the group spotted Luca. He was coming out of an alleyway and he had a blank look on his face.

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