Chapter 2: We're Off to Kill the Bosses, the Terrible Bossess of Doom...

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"Say that again, and listen closely to what you're saying. Sounds more ridiculous when you repeat it," said a familiar voice.

"Do you have nothing better to do with your life than stalk me?!" Kevin shouted, startled.

"Not really," Yamito replied with a hint of a smile.

"Well if you're so talented with killing things, maybe you could help me. Where's this Minotaur of Plants?" Kevin asked.

His smile faded and he replied, "That guy is way too powerful for you still, even with that weapon. And its Minotaur of the Plains. To find him you'll have to go into the grasslands and that's bad business. There's a lot of creatures out there that your axe couldn't even handle."

"Tell me that when I slay the Minotaur," Kevin replied.

"I'm just trying to help, don't go out there alone! You'll die if you do it man, get some sense," Yamito replied sharply.

"I have three lives, I think I'm fine," He replied.

"I am coming with you to make sure you keep your word," He said.

Kevin was shocked, he never thought of anyone really helping him. But the guide's words echo in his mind as he remembers: "It can only be defeated by an exact team of three...." This is going to change how I play if I want to get out of here. I'll need the best team to get up to that boss. He helped me before.... ugh, I think he should come along. "Fine," Kevin replies as he continues to walk again.

When they found the Minotaur of Plains, Kevin said "You better not take my kill."

"That's why I'm here though, can't help it," Yamito replied, smiling.

"Yeah yeah, it's just that I'd rather you stand back because the Minotaur is mine," said Kevin.

"Are you mad?! You can't stand up to it alone," said Yamito.

"Of course I can, I'm Kevin Murad, master gamer. I got this!" said Kevin.

"Like you're the master gamer," said Yamito while laughing.

Kevin instantly fired another insult away, "As if you know-"

But his sentence was cut short by the Minotaur smacking him away with the side of his axe.

Even Yamito winced as the sound of cracking filled the air on impact with the axe and Kevin. He drew his blade and cut the Minotaur on the right leg. The Minotaur kicked him away. As Yamito bounced on the ground next to Kevin, through gritted teeth, he said, "Told you this was going to be hard." They both got back up and charged at the beast.

The mini boss tried to do a wide swing, but they both rolled separate directions and they heard the sound of the air parting for the blade overhead. They got back up and concentrated attack on its right leg. The minotaur let out a cry, a wail, a shout. It wasn't because of the agony they caused it, they realized, it was summoning reinforcements.

They both stepped back as a crowd of weird impish things approached us with a thin, curved blade, a small buckler, and strange helmets. Their tails leaned and whipped this way and that, the arrows on the end slithering like a snake.

Kevin equipped his iron sword, and told Yamito to duck. "Sword Circle!" He spun around bringing all imps to half health. Yamito got half the circle, Kevin got his axe and handled the other half. The remaining imps fled and the duo turned to face the minotaur.

The minotaur stomped the ground and they stumbled. It swung its axe at Yamito and he flew away, unconscious, low health. Angry, Kevin charged at the Minotaur. As he was running, he realized that he never chose the skills for when he leveled up. As he ran he selected his new power up skill, and used it. "Berserk!" He was now twice as powerful, and with his axe, he would cause major damage upon the beast. He hacked at its legs like a timberman, and as its axe was coming up, he rolled away just in time. He just kept smacking and attacking it over and over again until it finally was knocked off balance. By then, his berserk wore off.

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