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QUOI / / / 1.01

"Hold me down, hold me down
Throw me in the deep end, watch me drown"
- Hold Me Down, Halsey


ARDENT WILSON CLAIMED TO BE DEAD after being buried in the woods of New Orleans, where a witch proclaimed it be best to leave her to rest rather than disrupt the balance of life and death. But who could have thought that the balance of Mother Earth deemed her to be alive again? No one, absolutely no one, not even the witch.

She'd surprised all the supernaturals with her being alive after all those years of being in a casket!

She began to move her toes, trying remove the numbness there before moving up to her feet and her legs. Feeling the move slightly, that was all she could count as moving, mentally high-fiving herself. Soon, it was only her upper body to get rid of the numbness from the lack of the brain not having oxygen.

No one can nor could believe me, my name is probably already in the obituary and the people who got this idea would kill me for the last time. She thought, but she kept moving, finally getting to her eyes. Ardent knew one thing now, this is going into a mythical book-- girl survives after death over a hundred years ago!

Opening her brown eyes, Ardent didn't see them shine in their unusual color, but felt the difference in her new eyes. Looking at her hand as she puts it into a fists, she punches the top of the casket over and over again till she heard the crack and sips of dirt piling over her. As she dug her way out of her six foot deep grave, Ardent saw no grave header that stated anything, just grave with no recognition.

She stood up, brushing off any dirt that got on her navy blue dress that was now her clothing, only thing she needed was shoes; something that they mysteriously never had time for.

Ardent's brown eyes moved across the forest, searching for a trail that could lead her out.

"If you're searching for the bordering house, it's a twenty miles north in Mystic Falls!" A voice, slightly deep but accented, shouted, causing her to supernaturally turn to see the owner of that voice.

"And who said I was looking for it and who are you?" Ardent questioned, walking two steps to the young man with light brown hair and gray eyes. "And who the in the living hell put me out here in a grave when I was perfectly alive?"

"You know, for a Somijah, you sure do ask a lot of questions. But I know someone who can answer them and take you under their wing. And me? Well, I'm Stefan Salvatore, pleasure to meet my creation."


"Now my brother, Damon, could easily give answers to you, since he was the one to have agreed with Bonnie to give you a suitable grave." Stefan said, leading her through the forest. "Now your parents sadly died from depression and suicide, they were buried next the grave they made for you."

Ardent felt her non-beating heart drop. Though they criticized her for not being at the top of her skill, she still loved them and never gotten the chance to say goodbye. That is all the child of any parents would want, having their child with them on their deathbeds, giving them their last words before slowly closing their eyes. But Ardent never had been there for it.

"My parents... can I got to their graves before going to the bordering house, please? I just want them to know I'm alive." Ardent pleaded.

But Stefan wouldn't let her, telling her that she'd run and get herself killed. Though Ardent got to thinking; on nights that they weren't home or anything, she'd visit their grave until it was necessary to leave.

"Are you okay?" Stefan asked, seeing as how quiet Ardent had become and how she looked at the ground with so much loss and grief.

Ardent scoffed, "Am I okay? No, I'm not okay! I feel like I am being a traitor by my parents, dead parents, for not being there when they died! I'm not okay because everything that I'll touch, I feel like I will kill and then crumble." She yelled, birds left the trees, cawing at the others. "And you know what, I feel like I would be better dead than here, alive."

Her last sentence sent shivers down Stefan's back, it was how low she said and how truthful she was being. He heard others shout in grief, but not one had said that they'd be better dead. Sighing, he placed a hand on her shoulder-- in which she shrugged off and kept a nine inch distance from him.

"Ardent, we'll try to find time to visit your family. But they looking at you from above, knowing that you're chosen for this life and you can't go back."

Ardent sent him one last look before letting the conversation go into dusk.


When the two got to the bordering house, Stefan went inside first, saying he was going to talk to Damon. Ardent sighed, tapping her bare foot on the ground. She wasn't just going to stand there with doing any movements, it would be down right impossible.

Hearing loud heels clacking against wood, she saw the door move and out came a girl, long brown hair, brown eyes and tan skin. She seemed older than she looks to be, maybe eighty to thousand, give or take. And the girl looked at her up and down as well, giving her a stink eye when she was finished.

"And who may you be?" She asked, curiosity and --maybe just a little, tiny bit of-- disgust. Ardent let out a laugh, crossing her arms and letting her eyes show.

"Sweetheart, I could be your worst nightmare or your best dream. But for now, just call me Ardent."


Word count: 998

Updated: 2:56 AM, July 18

Hello, sorry for this late update, I've just been with family and all. But hopefully this longish chapter and the next longish chapter would make up for it.

But now Ardent has met Stefan, heard about Damon and seen him, lastly met Katherine.

And I love how she introduce herself to Katherine, it is what I would do if I have met anyone that I know. One thing I know is that Ardent is me and my spirit animal.

And through this story, she may get more sarcastic and sassy or less sarcastic and more.... nice.

Next chapter: Ardent will meet Damon, learn more about herself, and hear about Klaus (hehehehe)

Next update: idk depends on what I have to do

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