Chapter 10

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This morning was pretty quiet. Emily didn't even wait for me to walk to school, she just got ready and left. By the time I got there she was already in her homeroom, leaving me and Ryleigh walking by ourselves.

But it's fine, I'll talk to Dani after school and sort this all out.

"Is Emily okay?" I heard Ryleigh say as we walked down the hall.

"No. Her and Dani got into some fight yesterday and it has her all upset and angry. She won't talk to me."

"Oh. Well, should I-"

"I don't think that's the best idea. I've seen her upset before, she'll snap out of it. Just give her some space today, okay? Try not to being anything up?" I didn't want to tell her that she's the reason they're fighting. So hopefully, she'll listen.

"Alright. I'll see you at lunch than." We went our separate ways as we reached our homerooms.

Ah man, lunch. That'll be fun.

I walked into the room and saw Frank in the seat next to mine. Figures.

"Jake! What is up?"

"Frank. What did you want?"

"Can't say hi to my friends?"

"You can, are we friends now?"

"Wow. I try, and succeed, at getting you together with Gabe and you don't even consider me a friend? Not even so much as a thank you? I'm hurt." I thought for a second before I realized, he's right. This is kind of because of him.

"We aren't together. He was helping me with some school stuff."

"Uh huh. 'School stuff', I've used that same excuse before."

"Shut up."

"Calm down, I'm just messing with ya. I know nothing happened, he told me."

"Wha- he did? What did he say?"

"Nothing you'd be interested in. You're straight afterall, remember?" Straight?

"What are you tal- shit. Shit, I told him I was straight. And he still believes that?"

"Yup. He's an idiot, just like you. Why not just tell him yesterday?"

"I.. uhh. I don't know. It didn't come up in conversation. "

"So put it in the conversation. Stop being such a wuss. You like him, tell him. Today."

"Alright, alright. Fine."


I was so not ready for today. After what happened... I just wanted this school day to be over.

I saw Ryleigh walk in, sending a small smile my way. I wonder if Jake told her anything... probably not. He's not one to go telling my business like that.

And Dani isn't here, yet again. Was what I said too much? She hasn't even texted me. I did tell her not to... shit. Did I mess up?

I put my head onto the desk as the teacher started talking. I didn't want to be here.

I heard the seat next to me move and I peeked over. She came. I was instantly hit with a mix of anger and happiness. What do I do, do I say something first? No, I should wait.

"Em..." Shit. Didn't think she'd start so quickly.


"Good. You're still talking to me. Uh... could we talk? Like, later? Before lunch, maybe?" Do I... I want to. I really do. I should let her actually explain herself, I didn't give her much time yesterday.

"Yeah. Uh, after class sounds good." She gave me a small smile and I returned it, holding onto the hope that it was all a mix up.


I could only assume that Frank and Gabriel would be at our lunch table again today. Which would mean Frank's gonna be bothering me the whole time. Lovely.

I almost made it to the cafeteria when I saw something that caught my attention. Emily was talking to Dani.

I started walking over, but Emily simply shook her head and motioned for me to continue to lunch. Damn, I hope she's alright. Maybe I should go over anyway.

"Jake! C'mon man, I already got you some food." Before I could argue I was being pulled into the cafeteria. Wonderful. I'll just ask her after school let's out. Or I could ask Dani, wonder if she still wants to talk later.

"Jake, snap out of it. Don't wanna look like an idiot in front of your crush." I looked up and sure enough, Gabriel was sat right next to Ryleigh. When he saw me he smiled and waved, mouth full.

"Hey Jake. I was just trying to convince Ryleigh here that she should come to the party tomorrow."

"Oh. Uhh.. yeah. You aren't going?" I asked her.

"I don't know. I talked about it a little with Emily, but I'm not really sure. I'm not a huge party girl." She put her head down and tucked her hair back behind her ears. Aww, she's adorably shy.

"You should totally come! Trust me, I'm not too big on parties either. Never been to one, never really planned on going to one either."

"So why are you going to this one? What's different?" Frank asked, a smirk coming in to his face. I hate him.

"Well... I was never really asked if I wanted to go to one before. So I never did. Yeah, but you guys asked me so I'm going." He simply frowned and so his head. Probably not what he wanted me to say.

"Well, I'm glad. And I think it'll be even better if you come. Everyone's invited, it'll be fun Ryleigh. Is Emily going?"

"I'm not too sure, a lot has been going on with her recently. But she most likely is, since I'm going. And Ryleigh, you're definitley coming, we'll come pick you up and everything. Deal?" I could see her eyes shifting between me and Gabriel, her face turning red as all the attention turned to her. I guess this is a lot to put on her in such a short amount of time.

"Uhh... I mean, sure. I guess... I guess I could ask my mom."

"That's the spirit. Stepping out of your comfort zone, takes guts. Wouldn't ya say, Jake?" Frank asked me. I know what he's doing.

"It does. Especially since you haven't even been here a week yet. Sorry if we're throwing this all on you, I'm not trying to force you to do something you aren't comfortable with." I eyed Frank, who simply rolled his eyes before speaking again.

"Yeah, well taking that risk is usually better in the long run than not doing anything out of fear and stupidity."

"Uh... you two good?" I heard Gabriel ask. We answered at the same time.

"We're fine."


"You've got to be kidding me, right? You don't still think that you're right?"

"But I didn't do anything Emily! I already apologized for not answering you, what more do you want?"

"Nevermind Dani, just... forget it." I turned to head to lunch, but she grabbed me before I could walk away.

"Wait. Please, just... I'm sorry. Okay, just please don't go yet. I know I messed up. But I'm here now. Doesn't that mean anything?"

"Maybe if you were there when I needed you, then it would've meant something. But you weren't. Instead, you decided to go see your ex. So no, being here now doesn't mean anything."

"Em, you're being unreasonable."

"Stop. Please, just... I'm going to lunch. Don't sit with us, and don't text or call me. Just leave me alone. I'm done."

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