"Nice to know. I would love to chat more, but I have to leave now, otherwise my coach will let me run two extra miles," he tells us seriously.

Right now his coach is a bit sensitive, because he doesn't want to lose the last game like last year. He is ordering his players around and tells them how much they have to sleep and what to eat. In my opinion he is exaggerating, but everyone does what he is telling them. 

 Before Aiden leaves he gives me a smile and tells me that we will see each other at my apartment. 

After that Aiden rushes towards the baseball pitch, leaving Kitty and me behind. Our school has its own pitch because our principle is a big fan of all kinds of sports and thinks highly of it. It has it's benefits for sure.

When I can't see my best friend anymore, I turn around to face Kitty and ask, "Ready to go?"

"Sure," she replies, giving me a strange smile which I just ignore, because it is kind of creeping me out. 

As we are then waiting for Reece at his car and she is still smiling and I burst out. 

"Why are you smiling like that? It kind of gives me creeps," I tell her shuddering a bit at the thought.

"You already know," the girl who is leaning at her brother's car says to me, smiling even wider.

"No, I really don't know." I tell her shaking my head in confusion. 

"If I would know it, I wouldn't have asked."

Like it is the most obvious thing in the world Kitty exclaims, "The thing that is going on between you and your best friend." She even makes air quotes at the words best friend, but I can't follow her.

"What thing do you mean?"

"Oh come on don't play dumb," she says smirking, nudging me into my side. 

"There must be something going on between you two."

Finally I realize what she is talking about. I don't know at first if I should laugh my ass off or ask her if she is crazy. So I do the only logically thing and do both.

"But there is something between you," she argues pouting. At her comment I just have to laugh more. I support myself at the car, because I'm almost crying out of laughter.

"What is so funny?" a voice, which belongs to Reece suddenly ask.

I'm about to tell him about Kitty's suggest, but then remember, who he is and instead say, "Nothing."

Like he expects no other answer Reece casually unlocks his car and put his bag into the trunk. He then turns his body in my direction and tells me with a grin. 

"You have to know that I'm a curious person. And if you don't want to tell me now, you can tell me while I drive you home."

"What?" I asks dumbfounded looking at his car in confusion.

"I'm driving you home," Reece tells me again like I'm stupid. "I don't except an no, because it is a thank you for waiting with my sister for me."

Sensing that I can't win this argument, I get into his car when he open the door for me like a gentleman. I'm on the backseat and Kitty is right next to him. She is playing with the radio and tries to find a station she likes. She smiles when our eyes meet and I return it. It can't be that bad to ride with the Matthews.

 And in the end it really isn't. We spend it making light conversation and I actually get to know a bit more about the siblings.

"So your parents are working both in the same company?" I ask them, trying to get everything together they just told me or more Kitty, because she is doing the talking most of the time.

"Yep and if we don't tell them to take a break they work 24/7," she sighs. 

"They are workaholics," Reece adds and our eyes meet when he looks into his mirror. By the look I can tell that they both don't like it.

"What about your parents?" Reece wants to know changing the topic as fast as possible. I hesitate for a moment. I'm not sure if I want to tell them about my dead parents. But in the end I tell them, because I have no reason to lie. They are dead and nobody can change that fact.

I take a deep breath and try to say it as casually as I can. "They died in a car accident years ago."

Kitty immediately turns around at my words, looking at me shocked. 

"I'm sorry to hear that. And if you don't want to talk about it, you don't have to." She adds with a sympathetic smile.

"It is fine," I tell her and give her a reassuring smile. 

Curious I glance at Reece who got really quiet at my confession and I see him gritting the steering wheel, tighter than necessary. I'm about to ask him, what is wrong, but then he stops and I see my apartment.

"We are here," he voices out, in a weird monotone way. I'm confused about his behavior. What is wrong with him?

"Thanks for the ride," I say, and he nods not even looking at me. Then I unbuckle my seat belt, take my bag and get out of the car.

The moment I go out Reece immediately drive away without a goodbye and I make my way irritated towards my apartment. Arriving in my room I fall into my bed. Though I still have a nagging feeling because of what just happened.

But when I think more and more about him, something terrifying comes into my mind. Reece Matthews just drove me home, which isn't actually that shocking. But the horrifying thing is he knows where I live, but I never told him my address. Something is terribly wrong with this and I have to confront him about it. I don't think he is some kind of stalker, but it is still weird and not normal.

The next day I begin searching for Reece to confront him, but the problem is he doesn't show up at school. The same is with the next day and the days that follow. I even ask Kitty, where her brother is, but she just tells me that he suddenly got ill, which gets me even more suspicious. Two questions don't leave my mind. They are bothering me. How does Reece know where I live? And why did he act so oddly all of a sudden?

Chapter 6 is out and I'm excited to tell you, that I'm going to take a part in the wattys this year. So I hope you liked the chapter/the story and help me by voting and leaving  comments. This would be awesome. Have a nice day!

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