Accedents happen

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August POV
I'm on my way driving to this so called trap and I hit someone and ran them over

Lucas- aug man stop the car

August( gets out to see who it is )

Trey- is that .....

Tyga- naw that couldn't be

Jeremih- Kanaan?!

Trey- awe shit man we about to go to jail

Lucas- man shut the fuck up its not time to be playing yo games

August- Kanaan babe can u hear me ?! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!

Tyga- not to be crazy or nun but we need to drop her off at the hospital then get down to biss next time

Jeremih- yea lets go

August POV
I was at my side chicks house getting some good ass head when Kanaan started calling me

August- move bitch ( answers the phone)

Loran- fuck U

Phone call ~📱

Kanaan- who was that

August-who was who

Kanaan- don't fucking play with me it was a bitch in tha background

August- Man U trippen

Kanaan- im not but I see u are good bye

Jasmine POV
It's been two weeks since I got out the hospital and I'm felling like normal im on my way to Kanaan house because she claims August is cheating on her so ima check it out


Jasmine- wait wait wait so U heard the bitch in the background

Kanaan- bitch yasssss

Jasmine- ok wait til that nigga get here

Kanaan- U staying

Jasmine- hell yes and ima go home without scratchez

Kanaan- lol bitch U crazy

Jasmine - bitch I know and bipolar to


*August walks in

Jasmine- o yea u just the person I wanted to see ( holding a butcher knife)

August- where's my girl

Jasmine- don't worrie bout it, commere doe

August-*walks over to Jasmine

Jasmine- U don't deserve my best fran ( throws the butcher knife pass him into the wall ) good night AUGUST
Trey POV
I'm going to see destiny and see what she blabbing about Bc I keep telling her not to call me unless it got something to do with the business we have

Destiny- Trey U came

Trey- yea wassup

Destiny- nothing I jus wanted to see U sexy

Trey- bitch bye U know that I'm with cam and that's yo best friend

Destiny- you don't give me what I want then im telling her

Trey- so what tell her ima just tell her that U took advantage of me and tell Jeremy

Destiny- U wouldn't dare

Trey- oh but that's where ur wrong

Destiny- whatever I don't have time for

Trey- U just mad Bc we don't love theses hoes

Destiny-good day (pulles off )
Jasmine POV
Every since my little kidnapping I had to recover wich means I didn't get married but unfortunately I got to push it back so lucky me but right now me and Lucas are doing some shopping

Lucas- babe do u like this (holding up retro 10's)

Jasmine- yea babe can u see if they have them in a girly shoe

Lucas- sure

Lucas-excuse me do u have this shoe in girls and in a size 5

Worker-oooooweee U fine

Lucas- yes I know but can u get my shoe

Worker-can I get your number

Jasmine- no but U can collect a ass whoopin if u don't move the fuck around

Lucas- babe chill I don't want her

Worker-so U need this in a size 5 in girls

Jasmine- now the bitch can start doing her job when she see he got a man

Lucas- calm down

Jasmine- ok

Lucas-U good

Jasmine- yea

Lucas-good *pecks lips

30 minutes later

Lucas- babe U got my card so I can pay

Jasmine-yea here U go (hands him card)

Cashier- will that be all *in flirty tone

Jasmine- do u want that to be all because U almost got more

Lucas- I thought u said u was calm

Jasmine- I was but this hoe keep being thirsty so maybe she need a jug of water

Cashier- who U calling a hoe

Jasmine- U thot it clearly spelles out. That Hoe Over There THOT
That's u

Cashier- here just take your stuff and go

Lucas- come on bae

Jasmine- ight
Kannan POV
I musta woke up on the wrong side of the bed today because today is the day I comfort AUGUST because he is a cheater and a liar and I know he took me to the hospital after he ran me OVER but yea he got some talking to do witch is why I asked him out to lunch

Kanaan- aug can I ask u something

August- sure

Kanaan- who is she really

August- (blowes out a breath)

Kanaan- I really don't see what all the huffing and puffing is about when u can just tell me who she is right here U have the spotlight to be honest with me

August- she a side hoe

Kanaan- why do u do it

August- do what ma

Kanaan- continue to hurt me for the past years we been together U have done nothing but continue yourself to hurt me but yet U don't actually see u have a good woman on your hands but yet U running around with these lil "side hoes" witch could have all types of nasty shit

August- kannan baby I-

Kanaan- wait a minute let me finish bc when I'm done U gone wish baaabyyy the kind of woman I am i will have U a nice hot meal on the table when u get home from work and with yo shower running and a beer to watch the game but this other loose pussy ass bitch can do what now suck yo dick and leap like a frog on to the next so have fun I hope u have fun because I need a break from U ( gets up and walks away)

August- kanaan wait im sorry I know I fuck up a lot but I can fix my ways I promise

Kanaan- right now we need a break but it's not over

August- aight I'll see u around then

Kanaan- me to
What's destiny hiding

Will Kanaan and aug fix things

Jasmine craxy ass 😂😂😂😩

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