"Oh shut up." I rolled my eyes. Xavier turned his head until he was looking at me, as soon as I turned his eyes flickered down. "What?" I asked as I smiled. Xavier shrugged but a smile also played on his lips.

It was crazy how one person could make you smile so much. I didn't think I've ever smiled so much.

As I looked at Xavier, I could see his body leaning in whilst his eyes were still cast on my lips.

I could feel the electricity fly between us. I could feel that pull, that pull I always felt. I wanted him.

Xavier was an inch away from kissing me completely. I could feel his breath against my lips.

Just as Xavier was about to connect his lips to mine, his phone began to ring from his pocket.

His eyes moved down to the offending object in his pocket before letting out a sigh.

"Got to get this, babe." He pecked my lips but I knew it was nothing compared to what it was going to be. I smiled his way reassuringly and watched him take out the phone from his pocket and walk into the next room.

Left here alone, I decided to ring Katie. It had been a few days since I last spoke to her or Mali.

I retrieved my phone from my pocket and dialled her number hoping she would pick up.

She spent her holidays with her family too and she was usually busy, so I was surprised when Katie actually did pick up.

"Girl, you're missing all the fun." Katie said as soon as she answered.

"Am I?" I'm sure I was having a lot of fun with Xavier himself. But Katie and I always did have a great time together especially during the holidays.

"You sure are. I've been to so many parties already I can barely stay awake." Katie sighed.

"Aren't you meant to be spending time with your family?" I asked as I laughed.

"I have. And anyway, since when did you become boring? You'd be having a whale of a time if you were with me, you know." And I'm sure she was right. Even though my time here with Xavier was great.

Anything I did with Xavier was great. It seemed as if life could never be boring with him around. He was funny, entertaining and caring.

I shook my head slightly as I knew I was starting to become sloppy again as I thought of Xavier. Katie was always able to smell distraction and I knew she would know who infact was actually taking up my mind.

"Then we'll have to organise a night out when we're back." I stated. The idea already made me excited.

Even though Xavier didn't like me going,  he'd have to live with it. I didn't want to make him angry, but I still wanted to be able to go out with my girls and do what I used to do.

I didn't want to change, and I certainly didn't want to change for someone else.

"I'll keep that in mind. Hey, I gotta go. Text me instead. Love you."

"Yeah, love you." And I hung up. I put the phone back into my pocket and sat back further on the couch.

Xavier had been a while already on the phone. My curiosity was burning within, but I wasn't going to snoop on him. It was his business and I'm sure he'd tell me if anything were bothering him.

I wasn't going to be that person. I didn't do the whole snooping thing.

With that said, I decided to go straight to my room. It was getting late and I was getting tired.

Xavier [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now