Everything so messed up now

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Kurt POV
It's been a week since Finns funeral, and I can't even look at the suit I wore to it. I quit school, it's too hard too many memories of the three of them. Now I take online classes. also Blaine and I took a break, too much going on with me to let him still be around so I told him we needed a break, everything just got worse. Santana went missing in April and Rachel in February. Their missing flyers are everywhere, so I barely leave the house. I can't see anyone because they don't understand the pain. Rachel's mom is dead and Britney had a mental breakdown and the Lopez are constantly out searching for their daughter. Everything is so messed up. I just wish it all go back to normal, like in kindergarten when Finn and Rachel were having tea parties and inviting me over. Rachel and me playing truth or dare in middle school. Santana cheerleading with Britney for the first time sophomore year. I miss the good old days when no one had to worry about all the drama. It all feels like yesterday. Ever since the funeral I just walk around my room looking at old stuff and recalling memories. Yesterday I found something that just made me cry recalling the memory. It was my feathered boa from my first tea party with Rachel and Finn, I still remember that day
I was walking over to the lawn of Rachel's lawn when I see carol and Shelby chatting and two little figures sitting at a table with teacups and Oreos. The girl was wearing a tiara and a boa while showing the boy how to hold a teacup, the boy had a tie on and had his hand on his chin and he looked like he wanted to die.
"Finny! Are you paying attention? " Rachel asked
"Yes, I'm learnings about holding a stinkin cup!" Finn replied while putting his hands in the air
"Good,now..KURTIE!!!" She yelled as she saw me walking over
"Why hello, I see you teaching finn how to hold a teacup" I said smiling while sitting down she took off her boa and wrapped around me
"Can I have a cookie now!??" Finn whined
"Do you see what I have to deal with Kurt, only you understand me!" She huffed and we all started to giggle after because even then Rachel was a drama queen.
//present time//
Right now I'm in the garage alone. I'm looking through some boxes and I see a photo album, I haven't seen it before so it must be Finns, it's labeled growing up, I open it and the first picture I see is Finn and Rachel, I flip through some other ones and I realize this photo album is just of Finn and Rachel growing up. I'm kind of sad so a few tears spill down and I can't help but to look through it. Every photo has a title
Finn getting cast off age five
I see Rachel and Finn at what seems to be a doctor office and Finn has this red balloon while getting his cast off and Rachel is smiling and holding a teddy bear while holding Finns free hand
Swimming in the beach age seven
Shelby and carol look younger and are wearing sunglasses while hovering over a sandcastle where a young Rachel smiles brightly in a gold star swimsuit, Classic Rachel, and a Finn gives a toothless grin while hugging Rachel drenching wet with sand, you could tell he was already going to be tall
School Play age ten
Rachel was dancing while Finn was holding her and dancing with her, I was behind them and dancing with Mercedes. I remember that we were ballroom dancers for Twelve dancing princess play. Mercedes and Rachel were princess. I let a tear fall down,again
Fifth grade promotion age ten
Finn was in a tie and suit and Rachel was in a pink dress they were holding their hands up and smiling with open mouths
Disneyland trip age eleven
Finn had mickey shirt while posing as if he had muscles and was already taller than Rachel who had Minnie ears while doing what Finn was doing and they were posing with Mickey Mouse along with Shelby and Carol posing the same way. There was another one of them on space mountain, now this one made me laugh, Rachel was screaming happily and Finn had this happy laugh that made him look crazy while Shelby was screaming looking scared and Carol was covering her eyes
Eight grade promotion age thirteen
Finn was blushing like crazy because Rachel was kissing his cheek, I remember that, plus I'm in the background with Santana and Mercedes laughing.//flashback//
"Woohoo! High school here we come!" Santana yelled then Mercedes stopped her from ripping off her gown and pointed toward Rachel kissing Finn, we all started cracking up because everyone but Rachel knew Finn had a huge crush on her then San yells "get some Hudson!"//end of flashback//
I look at the last photo and start bawling
Start of sophomore year age fourteen
It was a picture of Finn and Rachel standing in front of the car both holding two thumbs up and smiling with huge smiles across their face

If only they knew the horror that awaits for them.

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