Chapter One

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7 months before--

"So I was thinking we go see a movie. Like family night. I'm asking you because you're practically family now. It would be weird without you", Syah* said.

"Oh okay. What movie? I'd have to ask my mom and you know how she is...." I replied, ignoring the off feeling I got when she called me 'family'. I don't know what that feeling meant right then but I didn't care.

"Uhm, I think 'How to Train Your Dragon'. It's child friendly and supposed to be cute. We wanted to see a scary movie but mom said no", she explained.

"Oh okay. I'll text her right now", I said pulling out my phone.


"What?" I asked, confused.

"We're still at school... You're mom will be so mad."

"Oh. Good point. I'll ask my dad."

She laughed, "There ya go!"

"So, what did he say?" The first word out of Syah's mouth. Impatient much? I think; yes.

"He asked what time the movie is. If it's after 8 that we leave the answer's no."

"We're leaving at 6:12. So you can go!"

"... I don't have any money..." I said, putting my head down.

"Oh that's okay. We'll pay for you!"

"Syah, I don't like people paying for me. You know that", I tried to reason with her.

"Don't argue. We're going. Pick you up at 6:12!" She called over her shoulder, getting into her mothers car. She always made sure it was a time you could remember. You could easily forget 6:10 but something weird like 6:12 was kinda unforgettable.

Sure enough. 6:12 on the dot, there was someone walking through my door. That someone happened to be my best friend. Sneaky devil.

"You ready?" Syah asked.

"Yeah. Let me grab my hoodie quick." I grabbed my amazing blue hoodie and walked with her out the door. "Mom, dad, I'm going to the movies!" I called over my shoulder.

We got to the car and I could tell it was going to be a little cramped. A little space invasion never hurt nobody.

I got into the car and my arm was touching Syah's. I don't know why but my arm felt funny. You know when your arm or hand falls asleep and it hurts but afterwards it's just that annoying little prickle? That's what my arm felt like. I moved my arm to my chest to massage it a little. The feeling went away right as we got to the cinema. Thank god.

"5 tickets for 'How to Train Your Dragon' please." Syah's mom said.

"What showing?" The girl behind the counter politely asked.

"Uh, 6:30 please"

"Okay." She ripped off the tickets. "Have a great time"

"Thank you. We will" with that she walked to the snack counter with us in tow. "What would you like for snacks? You know what? Here's some money. Buy what you want. I need to use the restroom."

We got what we needed and went into the theater. A few minutes later Melissa, Syah's mom, came in.

"Get anything for me?" She asked jokingly.

"Yeah actually." I handed her a drink, some candy, and her left over change.

"Oh you guys didn't have to!"

"It was your money, Melissa. It only seemed fair"

"How many times have I told you to call me mom?"

"A million"

"And how many more time do I have to ask before you actually do?"

"At least a million more"

"You're so cute. Oh look, the movie's starting!"

"That was a great movie! Didn't you think so Miara?" Syah asked excitedly.

"What? Oh. Yeah. It was amazing." I said halfheartedly. Honestly, I hadn't really paid attention to it. My mind was elsewhere. Like the fact that my heart was beating faster than usual and I had to fight to keep my breathing even.

What's going on with me?

Still a short chappie but longer than the last one. You see Miara's feelings growing a little. I promise it will get better. Well... Let's hope.

EARLY UPDATE: I didn't wait for 5 votes cuz it was obvi I wasn't going to get the last little vote.

*Syah: sigh-uh.


Disclaimer: I'm straight.

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