Will You?

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Here is the next chapter, coming to the end of the story now, hope you like it!

~Hannah's P.O.V~

(3 years later)

I woke up at around 9am, it was a Saturday morning in the month of July. It was such a lovely day today, the sun was shining and it was quite hot, around 15 degrees, and it was only the morning, I turned over to see Harry sleeping next to me, we had been going out for almost 4 years now, I still remembered the dance and the kiss in the cafe. I got up, I was wearing one of his shirts, went down the spiral staircase and went into the kitchen, not realising the other boys were beached on the sofa. I turned around and just stared at the pile that was the boys on the sofa, I opened a drawer in the kitchen, got out a foghorn, went over to the sofa and pressed the button. They immediately jumped up and fell about everywhere. I stopped pressing the button. "GET UP!" They just looked me in the eye. I smiled sarcastically at them.

"Dude? What was that for?" Louis said looking at me.

"I need to sit down on the sofa!" I winked at him and then went to go and finish my cup of tea. Then Harry appeared at the mezzanine and was looking over.

"Babe, what are you doing?" I just looked up at him and poked my tongue out.

"I needed to sit on the sofa, I didn't wanna wake you!" He just chuckled and then came down the staircase to join the others and me. I went and took my place on the sofa and turned the telly on. Straight away it was the entertainment news. I had my fair share of abuse from the news and the fans over the past few years because I was dating Harry but I was used to it and I didn't care. But surprisingly the news wasn't about me or the boys today, the main entertainment headline was:

Who will the next engaged couple be in the celebrity world? We look at the pairings that could be joining The Beckhams and Justin and Jessica Timberlake!!

I just looked at the screen and then went to get changed, I couldn't be bothered to hear people talking about marriage on the telly. I went up to get changed.

~Harry's P.O.V~

I was glad that Hannah went upstairs to get changed after the marriage talk on the telly, because I needed to talk to the boys. "Guys, I got the ring, we going out today, all of us and Hannah's friends, Eve, Sophie, Lauren and Zoe. I don't know where, help me with ideas, I need to find somewhere nice to propose!" Then Hannah blasted out 'Chocolate' by The 1975 from her speakers in her room so we had to speak up. "I NEED YOU GUYS TO HELP ME!" They just looked at me, blank with ideas.

"I HAVE NO IDEA WHERE TO GO! THE LONDON EYE MAYBE?" Liam shouted at me, I shook my head.

"NO!!!!!" The rest of the boys just shrugged. Then Zayn said something.

"MAYBE HYDE PARK, WE COULD ALL GO FOR A PICNIC AND YOU COULD DO IT THERE!" I looked at all the boys and we nodded in agreement, I text Hannah's friends, they were in charge of the food and making sandwiches etc.

~Hannah's P.O.V~

It was so hot already today, it was going to be a good day. I decided to wear some denim shorts that had some rips in, a white crop top with a coloured picture of a beach and L.A. on it in white, put my hair in a top knot and put some gladiator sandals on and then a necklace that Harry bought me on our 1 year anniversary. I walked down the stairs and the boys just turned around and looked at me. "What?"

"We're going to have a picnic in Hyde Park today, all of us and Lauren, Sophie, Eve, Zoe. No excuses!" I just nodded.

"What have I got to do?"

"The girls are doing the food and drink so you could get some towels to lay on and some music, oh bring the speakers!!!" I just wondered off to go and get the towels from the cupboard.


It was 11am by the time the boys were all ready. I had a pile of about 6 blankets and my speakers were perched on top, I took my iPod with me, I had all the latest songs on there and some old ones as well. We met the girls in the reception and took two cars, I went with the girls in my car and the boys took one of their vans. We sped off straight away and 'Work' by Iggy Azalea came on the radio, we got stuck in traffic so we were up and dancing to the song. I was singing along as usual.

Eventually we got to Hyde Park, we parked and then dispersed out of our cars. I put my sunglasses on, it was so bright and hot today, this picnic was a good idea, I was going to get an amazing tan, everyone was so much happier because the sun was out, we were all wearing summer clothes and just generally having a good time. We set up the blankets and the food and then Louis, me, Niall and Lauren went to go and play with the sticky bats and balls that we brought, Zoe and Zayn were snuggled up, they were obviously going out now, Harry, Liam, Sophie and Eve were just chatting. It was Lauren and me against Louis and Niall. We were prepared to win this. The rules were:

If you missed or dropped the ball in your team 3 times then your out.

You had to throw the ball properly so it was fair.

I was raring to go. We started playing the game, we were winning but then we were caught in a surprise attack by Louis and Niall, they had water guns strapped to their backs. I couldn't believe it. They started spraying us. "AAARRRGGGGGHHHHH!!! WHERE DID YOU GET THEM FROM? AAARRGGGGHHHH?" I was being attacked by Niall. "THIS IS SO UNFAIR!" I just ran for my life, I ran the other side of the picnic area, soaked, but it felt good because it was so hot, Lauren was running after Louis now, she managed to get the gun off him!! That was one of the most hilarious things I've ever seen but Niall was still soaking me. "OMG!!!" I was now laughing so hard whilst running. Then I wasn't getting wet anymore, Harry put himself in front of me and was being my bodyguard. "HA NIALL!" In the end, we sat down to eat. It was funny because as soon as I sat in the sun, it was so hot that I was dry in like 5 minutes.

~Harry's P.O.V~

Hannah did look so hot wet! I was getting really nervous now, I had the ring in my pocket and I was going to do it after we'd eaten. I was so scared, hopefully she won't say no.

~Hannah's P.O.V~

After we ate, I was stuffed so I just laid back on a blanket and just closed my eyes and took my sunglasses and my sandals off and just laid there to tan myself. I got up about 15 minutes later and stood up to shake any grass off. Then I turned around and everyone was looking at me. "I haven't tanned unevenly have I?" They just shook their heads. I felt someone tap my shoulder. It was Harry. He came right up close to me.

"I've wanted to do this for a couple of months now but I haven't had the confidence or the courage to do it." I just looked at him, confused. Then he got down on one knee. I just gasped, I was speechless, I heard whispering from the girls behind me, people were starting to gather, fans of ours and some random people. "Hannah, please will you marry me?" I didn't know what to say, I just nodded and screamed.

"OF COURSE I WILL!!!!!!" He got up and I just hugged him. "I love you so much!" I whispered in his ear.

"I love you too." He whispered back. This was the best day of my life.

Will The Luck In My Life Last? (A One Direction/Harry Styles Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now