The Fight.

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Here is my next chapter, hope you like it!

~Louis' P.O.V~

I don't know why I was awake so early. It was around 8:30am, I shared one of Hannah's spare rooms with Zayn, Liam and Niall shared the other one and Harry shared with Hannah. Ironic! I got out of bed, trying not to wake Zayn, put some sweatpants on, I couldn't be bothered with a T-shirt, but then I heard this almighty crash from the kitchen. I ran out of the bedroom and saw Hannah on the floor. I ran over. "OMG! Are you ok? What are you trying to do?" She just looked at me with tears forming in her eyes.

"I just don't wanna depend on you all the time, I'm trying to do something for myself but I can't and IT'S SO ANNOYING!" Then she just burst into tears, I pulled her close to me. I could feel that she was shaking. She just put her hands round my stomach and nuzzled her head into my chest, I felt so sorry for her.

~Hannah's P.O.V~

I was so annoyed with myself, I just wanted to do something myself and not call on One Direction every time I needed something, but Louis was there to comfort me, he must have heard me crashing to the floor. He was hugging and comforting me, I must admit I was kind of glad that he didn't have a T-shirt on because he showed his six-pack and muscles but somehow, his hugs were still gentle, I could hear his heart through his chest.

"It's going to be ok, we are here to help you, you need to rest." Louis whispered into my ear. Then Harry came running down the spiral staircase, he looked quite pissed off that Louis was hugging me.

"What's going on here?" Louis then pulled back and got up to talk to Harry. Harry then came and knelt down next to me. "You need to rest, I told you that we will do everything you say." He whispered in my ear and pulled me close to him, he was only in his boxers, that cheered me up a bit! 

"I just need to do something otherwise I will go insane!"

"You will do stuff when you are better, come on, come back to bed." Harry helped me up the spiral staircase to my mezzanine bedroom I was sharing with him. "Come on, get back into bed." He pulled the duvet back and I got in. I put my crutches on the floor next to me. He began to walk away, I grabbed his hand. "Please stay with me." He just smiled and went and sat down on his side of the bed, he stroked my hair whilst I rested, I felt so safe.


I woke up suddenly. I startled Harry. I was in a cold sweat and breathing really heavily. I must have had a nightmare. Harry just looked at me, moved over a little and pulled me into a hug and started stroking his hands through my hair.

"Sshhh it's ok, you had a little nightmare, I'm here." I just put my arms round his stomach and held him tightly. I didn't let him go for about 10 minutes, I was so scared. That nightmare was awful. It was around 10am now and everyone else was awake so we went down and joined them.

"I think we should go out somewhere today!" Liam and Louis said together which was quite creepy. The boys all nodded in agreement and looked at me.

"Yeah I think that's a good idea! Maybe Westfield?" Everyone looked around at each other and we agreed to go to Westfield shopping centre. We all got changed, I decided to wear some skinny jeans, a floaty blouse, a leather jacket and some ankle boots. I shoved my hair in a top knot because I couldn't be bothered to do anything else with it. I went downstairs and waited for the boys. They all came out and looked pretty good. We went downstairs and into the car park and got in the grey van, Louis was going to be driving.

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