Blocked. Again.

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GoGo hasn't been talking to anyone, at all. She hasn't raised her hand at the assemblies, she askes to be excused from group work, and does all her projects in her dorm. She especially stay out of the lab. If she seen Any of the other guys coming, she'd just walking. Tadashi felt terrible, Honeylemon asked him out right when he got back from GoGo's place. So they were a thing but Freddy and Wasabi been keeping a distances from them and was more worried about GoGo and what's she's been up to.

"Hey GoGo!" Freddy called when he spotted her when him and the other guys were going down the hall together. GoGo looked up. He reached her. Wow she didn't even stop, "Hey GoGo? What's up?" Gogo just kept walking. "GoGo," Freddy step in front of her. "GoGo!"

"What Fred!"

"Why haven't you been hanging out with us lately." He asked.

"I just didn't want to..." GoGo hesitated, "get in the way again."

"Get in the way? Your not in the way of anything!" Fred almost laughed. GoGo was silent but then let out a little chuckle.


"Yeah! Come on I'll show you that your welcome." Fred said grabbing GoGo's wrist and dragged her to the lab. Fred came bursting through the door of the Lab yelling, "LOOK WHO'S HOME!!" GoGo Became tomatoe red and tilted her the hat she stole from Tadashi over her face.
Wasabi looked up and smiled widely than scoulded her. He walked over to her with fist balled. GoGo got her pocketknife out just in case.

"Why Haven't You Called! You Had My Nerves On Edge!" Wasabi lectured. GoGo chuckled.

"Ehh. I was busy." GoGo shrugged.

"Apologue Excepted." Wasabi smiled 0 putting a hand on GoGo's shoulder. GoGo spotted Tadashi from the corner of her eye in his lab. She walked over to it and knocked on the window. He looked up.

"Hey." She said. He went back to work.

"What?" He asked.

"Just wanted to say hey." She said and was about to walk away but Tadashi came out of the lab. He stopped in front of her. She didn't want to look up but she just took off the hat and handed to him.

"And I wanted to give you your hat back." GoGo said. Tadashi pushed the hat back to her.

"Have it." Tadashi said while walking away. GoGo was gonna just leave but, she turned and chased after him. He turned the corner.

"Tadashi! Wai-" GoGo skidded to a halt when she since HoneyLemon at his side.

"GoGo!" HoneyLemon said surprised. She started to walk towards GoGo but, she stopped when she seen the surprised look on GoGo's face.

"Hey?" GoGo said, are they no that can't be right and if it is then when did she ask? GoGo thought. HoneyLemon pulled Tadashi over and Smiled widely. I guess it is true.

"Anyway I should get back to the other guys. Umm.. Congrats" GoGo weakly smiled. Then she walked away.

"I need to talk to GoGo about something. K?" Tadashi told HoneyLemon.

"Yeah okay." Tadashi caught up to GoGo.



"About the last time we met alone I.."

"Its okay. Really. I'm fine." GoGo smiled popping and piece of gum in her mouth.

"GoGo that's not what I wanted to say I.."

"Tadashi. It's fine! Just... Just drop it! okay?"

"GoGo let me finish! I.."

"Tada..." SMACK! Tadashi pulled GoGo and kissed her. He wanted her to shut up and listen for once.

"Now what I was hoping to say, I realized that I missed more than I thought I was going to. It was driving me crazy!" GoGo was speechless. She looked at him, " And when I saw you today and you we're actually talking to me I was so SO freaking happy." Tadashi chuckled. GoGo smacked him.

"That's for kissing me and you know you have a girlfriend." But then she hugged him. "And that's for being so freaking sappy!" She laughed. Tears were running down her face while she laughed. It made Tadashi laughed. The both of them was laughing in the hallway. Looking like a couple of laugh gassed idoits! (^ω^)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2016 ⏰

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