*Chapter 7: Hufflepuff vs Slytherin

Start from the beginning

harry tasted it then looked again at the label on the bottle. He couldn't believe it, he had seen this kind of bottle before. "My aunt petunia drinks this whenever she has to talk to me. I always figured that it was because she liked the taste." Harry handed Draco the bottle back. 

"So what's the real reason she drinks it then potter?" Draco said knocking back the bottle. 

"I don't know I asked her once why she drinks it and she said that it makes headaches go away." Harry said wanting another taste then taking a big swig when he got the bottle. 

"So it's medicine in the muggle world?" Draco looked at the bottle 

"I know, crazy boy it's a muggle escape from the world. it is called alcohol." 

Harry recognized the female voice it was faith again. "What do you mean faith?" harry said.

Faith took the bottle put the cap on and glaring at the two. "I should turn you both in for this, but you obviously need a lesson about alcohol. So sit down while I explain..." Faith pointed out the percentage number on the bottle and tried to explain the effects of the substance on brain cells and such. The boys seemed to only be half listening but they heard what she said.

"So... faith... you just conveniently heard us talking or were you eavesdropping?" Draco said after she had finished yelling at them for drinking the wine. 

"I.... I... it's none of your business what I was doing!" she yelled and tried to leave the room only to be blocked by Draco. 

"So you weren't eavesdropping then?" he prompted. 

faith let out a sigh she knew if she didn't tell them what she had been doing that Draco might not let her leave. "Fine... alright you caught me... but it's not what you think... I was watching harry because I have interest in him." She glared at Malfoy and he moved aside letting her leave.

"Oh potter you got yourself a girlfriend, how cute." Draco sneered 

"she is not my girlfriend Malfoy... I told you before it is too early to be thinking about that kind of thing." Harry looked at the door. 

"Come on potter it's never too early to get ahead of the game... you never know when a girls going to follow you around..." 

harry glared at Draco then picked the wine bottle up off the floor and took another drink. "Who cares about some girl anyway when I got friends like you Malfoy." He said laughing a bit then hiccupping. "Wow I feel all tingly... oh no!" harry ran for trash bin just as he grabbed it he threw up. 

"You alright potter?" Draco looks at the bottle then dumps it out. "Yeah... I think I'm good now." harry whipped his mouth on the sleeve of is robe and tried to get up and stumbled back down. 

"Ha potter is this your first time drinking?" Draco laughed "potter you're a light weight." Then Draco's eyes got big and he too threw up. 

"Looks like I'm not the only one Malfoy." Harry and Draco laughed then Draco picked up the bottle. 

"No wonder potter look.... My dad has put a stamp on this bottle... that means this is one of his strongest bottles. Guess I should have paid more attention." Harry and Draco laughed again then crawled into bed to wait for their heads to stop spinning.

Faith came in the room and slapped Draco across the face. "I heard that! you think this is funny? look at you two... you should be downstairs having fun with everyone else... but instead you're up here lying in bed buzzed of a couple swigs of wine! Serves you right Malfoy!" she turned around and left. 

"She's right Malfoy we shouldn't drink that stuff anymore. Or at least not until we are a bit older." 

Draco sat up "yeah your probably right potter... next time I'll get stuff that isn't that strong..." he lays back down laughing his head off.

-Slytherin VS Ravenclaw-

The next match this time against Ravenclaw was about to start. Harry's mind was racing from yesterday's little drink... he still felt a little sick to his stomach but his team needed him. He mounted his broom as the team flew out onto the field 

"the winner today will decide who plays Gryffindor in the final for the house cup!" the announcer's voice rang through the field. 

The second the game started harry saw the snitch and went chasing after it. The Ravenclaw seeker had seen it too and was neck and neck with harry. Harry really wanted to win so he reached over and pushed the tip of the Ravenclaw's broom sending sprawling downward until crash. The broom snapped in half when it hit the stadium floor. (kind of a jack ass now >..> hm...)

Harry focused again on the snitch and had almost gotten knocked off his own broom by one of the Ravenclaw beaters. "Hey! Watch where you're going claw!" harry yelled then ducked as the Ravenclaw beater sent a bludger right at him. 

Harry looked forward again seeing that the snitch had switched paths he swerved and crashed into the Ravenclaw beater and sent them to the ground completely by accident. The bat that the beater had been using was now in Harry's hand he swung at the bludger that was coming for him knocking the ravenclaw keeper off her broom. Then he dropped the bat hitting a Ravenclaw chaser on the head also sending them to the ground. Harry again saw the snitch and went after it he looked up and saw that two Slytherin chaser where blocking in the other Ravenclaw beater when they let go she went broom first into one of the pillars and crashed to the ground. Harry wasn't worried about his team they could do whatever they wanted and get away with it because nobody would mess with Mr. Malfoy.

He reached out as long as his arms could go and grabbed for the snitch. He missed it by just a bit he reached again. This time grabbing the wing he then lost balance and fell off his broom. Harry got up off the ground and brushed himself off then held up the snitch. 

"Harry caught the snitch Slytherin wins!" again harry was carried up to the common room for a celebration. This time harry got to enjoy the video game instead of staying in bed with a headache.

The first time harry played the Quidditch game he didn't quite understand what he was supposed to do. The game had come with special controllers that you can run magic through to use moves like in real life Quidditch. Harry used a move called spinato, witch in the game causes you to spin around really fast and knock the other team off their brooms.

After a while harry got bored and went down to the great hall for some dinner. Harry was almost finished when he saw the Ravenclaw seeker come and sit down at the Ravenclaw table. Harry felt bad that he had knocked her off her broom and given her a broken arm so he got up and went to apologies. 

"Sorry I knocked you off your broom." Harry tapped her shoulder to get her attention. 

"Well... I guess it's just how the game is played... it's fine I didn't die or anything just a broken arm with wizard medicine this should be healed in no time at all... so no damage done." she held out her good hand and harry shook it. 

He liked making friends instead of enemies, in fact he hated enemies more than anything. "I'll catch you later... what did you say your name was again?" 

"I didn't I'm erised... erised sed hoffmire... but you can call me sed for short." Sed winked and harry smiled turning around and walking back to the common room.

His mind was racing "her name is sed... such a beautiful name... she herself wasn't horrible looking either." Harry wondered whether or not he should tell Malfoy about the girl or if he even wanted to chance faith hearing him go on about a Ravenclaw. When harry got back to the common room he saw Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle playing the Quidditch game with a fifth year. They were doing really good and had like 1,000 points. Draco was seeker and he kept losing the snitch, but at least the other team hadn't caught it yet either. Harry decided to go to bed it was late and he was tired. 

"Slytherin got a big game tomorrow potter." the fifth year said and harry noticed it was the Slytherin keeper. 

"That we do." Harry said starting up the steps 

"don't stay up to late or you'll be tired at the cup match tomorrow." 

Harry slipped on his pajamas and crawled in bed. "I wonder if sed will be watching tomorrow?" then he fell asleep.

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