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At the shire next morning...

Bard: uhh my head...

Legolas: it hurts...

Kili: so bad...

Merry: yeah...

*all boys lie on the ground*

Livia: lool *giggles*

Hali: you should have know how to drink pints of beer...

Vili: yeah...Merry, you should have now this!

Legolas: stop shouting everyone oh stop kalbasifijolabu...*passes out*

*all of the boys pass out*

Bris: game over

Frodo: hey Merry I wanted to as-...Liv what happened here?

Livia: oh we just celebrated our new fangirls arriving :>

Vili: I thought that I was the only one new fangirl yesterday

Livia: nope there was another one :> she just arrived late.

Lana: sorry, but I said already that my pony was tired.

Frodo: 0_o

Livia: oh here are you! *hugs Lana*

Lana: yes..

Bris: so you must be that another new fangirl, right?

Lana: yeah :>

Hali: tell us something about ya!!

Vili: yes, we want to hear!!! *sits on all of the boys butts (if this is possible, but for Vili I think that it is possible)

Frodo: 0_o

Lana: ...so my name is Lana :) and I'm a hobbit. I have a pony named Ellie and she's sometimes lazy :D

Bris: cool! I love her! *pets Ellie*

Lana: *smiles*

Hali: so what's your favourite weapons? :>

Lana: my throwing knives. And I'm skilled at reading, throwing knives course, running and singing.

Frodo: I bet that your voice is amazing 0_o

Lana: *blushes* thank you. You nust be Frodo *hands hand (wut?)*

Frodo: *kisses her hand softly*

Lana: *blushes even more, of course if this possible*

Livia: ahem

Frodo: No, thank you Livia... *stares at Lana's beautiful sky blue eyes*

Livia: 0_o

Vili: you should go on a date ya know *winks at Frodo*

Frodo: would you want to?

Lana: of course!

Livia: then give us 10 min., Fro!

Frodo: Fro?

Livia: whatever :D
After 1 hour

Livia: so now she's ready! *smiles proudly of her work* wuolaa!!

Lana: *comes wearing beautiful light green dress*

Frodo: 0_o ...I'm so lucky

Bris: nawww I love hobbits!!!

Hali: hehe me too *smiles*

Frodo: so can we go now, beautiful?

Lana: *blushes* yes, let's go :)

And they walk away to have a picnic. Livia and other girls decided to not go to spy them cause they're so small and they would see the spies quickly.

And this chapter is dedicated to _Everybody_Loves_Me_!! Welcome and tell me what ya think!! Sorry, this one was a shorter one but I was excausted after today. Love ya!!

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