Good bye Home

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" Good bye Mom, bye Dad! Good bye Mason and Jace! " Hollering my good byes I snag my bag, hug my family and ride my bike to the science lab. My name is Zara, and honestly, I am not sad to leave! I am 16 now and I can fend for myself. In addition I will be with 7 other people! Oh I cant wait! I am used to the forest and open land! I am SOOOO ready!!

" Bye mom. " I let my mom finish her hug and hand her a tissue to wipe away her tears. " I will miss you son, " she hands me my small back pack and hugs me again. I am glad I can drive and have my own car. I hop in and start the car. I turn up the music and drive off. My name is Nixon. I am 17 and I was chosen to go to the unknown lands. Thats what I call the forests and places where there are no buildings. I live in the city. All my life I have lived in a city. I do not want to be here. That was the last thing on my mind. All my friends say I am so lucky. To them maybe, but not to me. All the bugs, what about food, water, shelter!? This is not going to end well.

" Mom get away from me! " I turn my back to my mom. I crossed my arms and grabbed my heavy sparkly bag. I had my make up all ready and walk out into the limo. My name is Kathrine. My family is really rich and I live in the city. I dont want to go to the nasty, muddy, germy, did I say NASTY, forest to study stupid, dumb animals. Blah! I just want to get this over with!

" Good by Mom and Dad, I will be fine. There will be other people, " I Hug my parents my goodbyes. I grab my last few drawing tools and sketch pads and walk out the door waving good bye. I leap onto my bike and put my back pack and sketch pads in the basket. My name is Aiden. Honestly I don't mind. This will give me more drawing chances. More chances to full my note pads. I had spent some of my money on brand new, larger, nicer sketch pads. I am pretty glad to be chosen, then again I am scared. We don't know if we are food or friends. I hope not food.

" Good bye Dad, I will mss you, " I hug him tightly. When I step away I wipe my tears with the back of my hands. My name is Cassey. My mom died when I was born so my dad is my only family I really know. I will love leaving the house, but I will miss my dad. I jump onto my bike an start to petal off. I dont know about the others, but I am terrified.

" Goodbye! " I wave my lat goodbyes to my family and the people next door. My name is Kaden and I was chosen to go explore the new creatures! I am excited and very lucky. I am prepared, I might not be a forest child but I have a first aid kit, and water, snacks and clothing!

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jul 15, 2015 ⏰

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