Dwelling on the past

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"YOU UNGRATEFUL BRAT!" Shouted my old foster parents as me and my brother ran. Kyle chuckled beside me keeping up with my pace. "They were pricks anyways." He sounded so use to this. I felt a pang of guilt. It was my fault we always had to run. I took a sharp turn to the right making him curse as he almost fell. My mind raced with guilt ridden thoughts. My poor little brother has had to deal with my shit for the last 7 years. He used to question it but after so long he gave up.

I stopped in an alley to breathe and he did too, sitting beside me. My mind flashed back to the whole reason this started.


I was casually walking to the orphanage we were housed. I didn't like my new foster parents for me and Kyle. Their way of discipline isn't very good. As I walked past a very dark alley I heard a small whimper. My ten year old mind filled with curiosity hid behind the trash can and watched what was happening unfold. There stood a man with all black clothing on and had on a mask that sent shivers to my bones, it was plain grey but where the eyes where it was empty black holes. He held up a girl around my age by her neck as she struggled for air. He whispered in her ear then took out a sharp looking knife and glided it across the girl's neck filling his hand with crimson. After she stopped struggling he dropped her. A cotton fuzz blew past my nose irritating my allergies. I sneezed loudly causing his head to snap up in my direction.

I got up not waiting to be killed and ran. His loud footsteps sounded behind me but that only pushed me further. I could almost see the orphanage when a long arm snaked around my waist and yanked me back into his chest. I was dragged backward with a hand over my mouth into an alley as I struggled. He held me to the wall like the girl I just saw. "I finally found you kitten." I wasn't going to just listen to the creepy guy. I stopped struggling and the guy loosened his grip. I always watched those horror movies and never understood why they didn't fight back.

I slammed my foot on his foot and kneed him in the groin and then ran again. I heard him curse and fall. I made it to the orphanage. Walking casually again to the counter prepared to call the cops. In my pocket was a note. I took it out in curiosity and read it. "I'm assuming you got away kitten because you're reading my note. I like you but you're going to die. If you even think of telling the cops your little brother Kyle won't live to see tomorrow. Can't wait to see you again kitten. –M" A shiver ran down my spine. I sighed in frustration.

A few days later I got a present and then again in a few days I got another present, all from M. They were usually roses or chocolate. Then one night when I was supposed to get a present it didn't come. I was slightly relieved but it felt wrong. I woke up in my bedroom to see a figure. He stood at the end of my bed just staring at me. I opened my mouth to scream but before I did a deep raspy voice spoke, "If you scream you won't live to tomorrow." That night the only reason I lived is because my parents at the time were very light sleepers. After that whenever I didn't get a present I would run. He always found me.

~flash back over~

I got up sighing as I heard a ding. I plucked my phone out of my pocket to read the text M sent. "You always seem to get away. I'm feeling a bit bored with our cat and mouse game. Let's play a new game. I'm sure you'll love it. –Yours truly" I chuckled darkly and chucked my phone in a random direction. "What the hell Avery?!" I shrugged and he sighed. We ran for hours until the cops found us. They gave us a final warning talk and sent us to a new home. I'm screwed if I run this time or not.


I'm actually pretty impressed with myself on this. I wrote this all last night.


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