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The next few days after school, which did suck by the way, me and Drew hung out. He was so nice and sweet. This morning I woke up happily and got ready quickly. I sighed happily eating my breakfast as Kyle came downstairs. "Why are you so happy?" I giggled and he looked completely shocked that I giggle. I was usually very closed and serious. "I think I have a crush." I said happily. He furrowed his eyebrows. "Who? I'll kill him." I giggled again and shook my head at him. I walked next to him to school, almost skipping in happiness.

At school people looked at me oddly as I was actually smiling. After school let out I was basically running out of the school to see Drew leaning against the gate waiting for me. I walked up to him with a smile on my face. He looked pale and sweaty making my smile drop. "What's wrong?" I asked worried. He gave a nervous smile. "Uh Avery do you uh want to go on a date with me tomorrow?" He spit the last part out quickly. I hid back my grin and made my face look deadly serious. "No." he looked so shocked I couldn't help the laugh that bubbled out of me. "I'm just kidding. Of course I would." I replied whipping a fake tear. He glared at me as I chuckled. "Your face was priceless." He sighed offering me a small smile which I returned with a grin. I hugged him goodbye. "What time and what should I wear?" "At 8 and wear something warm." I nodded smiling. Walking off I let out a quiet squeal. Tiny bubbles of excitement and happiness erupted in my stomach.


The next day I woke up at around noon. I watched movies until 6. I then showered and changed into a cute maroon sweater with dark jeans and combat boots. I threw my hair up in cute messy bun and applied eyeliner and mascara. I stared at myself in the mirror trying to see what needed fixing when the doorbell rang. I raced to the door but was too late. My brother stood there talking to Drew. I shoved my brother glaring at him before leaving with Drew. "Your brother doesn't seem to like me." I shrugged. "He doesn't like most people." I got in the car and sighed happily. He got in and we drove quietly to the place of the date. The quiet wasn't uncomfortable. It was just a nice quiet.

We pulled into a clearing and I looked at him. "A field?" I questioned. What would we do in a field? He nodded and I got out following him to see a picnic. "Aw this is so cute." He shrugged sheepishly with pink tinted cheeks. I sat down and ate the sandwich he handed me.

We talked about mindless things as we ate just enjoying each other's presence. "This is fun kitten." My head snapped up at the nickname he said. The only other person to call me that is M... "W-what did you just call me?" He smiled at me shrugging. "Kitten. If you don't like it I'll call you something else?" "No it's uh fine." I nodded. I almost forgot that I was running. It seems like M's everywhere. I looked up to see he was leaning in. As his lips collided with mine M slipped my mind. His lips were soft but firm. He smirked into the kiss making my tummy churn in nerves. What if I'm a bad kisser? I pulled back to see he was practically on top of me. "Good I've always loved calling you kitten but I never got to run it by you in person." My eyes widened in realization. 

How could I have been so dumb? I struggled but in the position I was in I wasn't going anywhere. I scowled growling at him. "You played me." I snapped at him. He smirked again chuckling darkly. "I think kittens an ironic nickname since we play cat and mouse so much." I really wanted to beat him up but he was strong. "So what you got bored now? After 7 years you finally get bored? No I think you had another reason." He clenched his jaw making me smirk in victory for pushing his buttons. He got up holding my arms in an odd position. He harshly tied my limbs and carried me to his car with a pissed off look on his face. I didn't want to piss him off too much. Right now I'm not in a position to be testy. I sat in the back quietly. "Where are we going?" I asked after a while. "Home." I scoffed. His home? My home? I don't even have a home. So I'm guessing his home. I sighed getting lost in a plan to escape. I can do this. I slowly fell asleep after an hour of just sitting in the car.



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