Hiding the Body

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It was windy, mostly cold I grunted as the heavy bag dragged along dirt and grass, why was the hole so far up? Oh yeah, to not raise suspicion.

You're probably wondering, what the fuck is going on right now right?

Well let me clear things up. My name is Eren Ackerman, my dad is Levi Ackerman he's a Police officer, I had a mom, but she was dealt with a few years back. And you're probably wondering what I'm doing huh?

Well, you seel I sale drugs. Hardcore drugs. and this is just one unlucky person who found out.

Arlert, to ackerman.

That's my buddy Armin Alert, no not in buddy as 'This is where I get my drugs buddy' my actually best friends forever or however the saying goes buddy. we knew each other since we were babies, he helps me sale the drugs, gives me the money, we spend it on food or whatever else.

Ackerman, to arlert I have the body dragging the damned to you now.

See we don't like doing codes, takes to much time, and wasteful, and besides those are only in movies, we fill are last names are better.

You're probably wondering why am I doing this? Or you're dad's a Police officer you could get in trouble!

Well even tho he's a Police officer, he still doesn't make good money, he pays all his money on the bills. I just want to bring some money home to him, so we both can spend it on ourselfs, and every time he asks where I get the money, I tell him part time jobs.

That always works.

Roger that.

I give out a irritated sigh, somebody's. Been watching to many spy movies.
Don't be fooled by my night job or whatever, drug job. I am a relatively nice person really, but mess with my dad, well..you'll end up like this body, or even mess with armin and you'll be reported missing on the news. How old am I you ask?

Well, I'm twelve, shocking isn't? I should be at home now watching transformers or spongebob, playing with toy dinosaurs or whatever it is twelve year olds do, wrong I'm outside, dragging a dead body, were my friend arlert is. too be honest, I'm not like those bratty twelve years, I'm actually quiet, and will listen well. I do the chores, cook, clean, Its kinda nice actually. I'm tall for your average twelve year old, so I can see how people mistake me for fifteen or sixteen.

Seeing as how I don't act out, when I can't get something my way. Some parents would call it bliss.
My dad just says I'm more mature than others. And how did I ever get so lucky with you.
That will always make me happy to hear.

I grunted as I finally got to arlert, his trench coat already soaked. I looked at him, and then stretched my back. And fingers.

"Ready?" He said
I replied with a smile. "Ready as ever."

We put picked up the body, dropping it in the hole, as worms and spiders started crawling on it.

We grabbed the shovels, and buried it.

They'll never now where it is now.

The rain was good thing, it'll clear the tracks and make it impossible for the police to see who did it.

Part 1: End

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