Basketball Club

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For the past few days being confined to the hospital's bed, I am able to learn something about the'me' in here.

The fact that me and Himuro Tatsuya is engaged was shock enough, but the fact that I can control my presence at will were more surprising.

'Now I don't have to scare everyone with me replying to them out of nowhere..' Although it was entertaining, it can become really annoying at serious times.

Me and Himuro-san are closer than ever now. He comes visit me lots, even during holidays. We talked about the school and the basketball club.

Apparently, its the same as the other times I've been through. Weird enough, from what I heard from Himuro-san, 'they' are not strong as the 'they' I knew. True, Himuro-san told me that they are powerful for a first year but...

'Probably just my imagination. They're all the same..' I thought to myself as I'm being surrounded by my classmates,

"Hey, kuroko-san was it..? What's your sickness?"

"Hey, that's rude!"

"I'm just curious.."

"Kuroko-san, how are you, feeling better?"

"Do you want me to show you around the school?"

'Someone help..'

"Stop it. You're all bothering her." Said a familiar voice,


Akashi Seijuro stands in front of the crowd who are gathering at my desk, they apologize and spread off.

I just look at him and and nods, indicate that I appreciate his help. He nods back and left the room followed by the other kiseki-s.

'I should go eat my lunch now..' I say as I grabbed a bento with the light blue cloth wrapping,

"Excuse me, is Kuroko Tetsuna here?" I look up and saw Himuro-san standing in the door, looking inside.


He smiles and tells me to follow him outside.

"Lets eat at the rooftop, Tetsuna."



"So how was your first and second period?" Himuro asks as he feed me an eggroll,

"Not bad.. Sensei teaches us maths. A classmate of mine, Aomine Daiki, slept during the lecture and got scolded though." I reply as I munched the food.

"Haha, Aomine will probably get scolded by Akashi."

I just nods, sweatdropped at another food-feeding attempt,

"Um.. Tatsuya.. you should eat your food and don't feed me."

"I'll eat if you feed me, Tetsuna~"

"No thanks."

"How cruel..~"

I smile, "Just joking."

"Open your mouth, Tatsuya." I added


School hour is finally over. Some students are going home while some stayed for their club activities. Me, I'm just walking around the school ground waiting for Himuro-san to finish his basketball practices.

I were told to wait for him, so we could go home together.

And so, that leads me walking around aimlessly until I bump into someone, making their stuff falls to the ground.

"I'm sorry!!" another familiar voice, "I didn't look where I was going!!"

Its the pink-head and busty manager, Momoi Satsuki.


"Oh! You're Kuroko Tetsuna was it? Nice to meet you~ I was about to come and welcomed you but everyone in our class got ahead of me.." she laugh as she grabs the stuff that falls,

I. too, help grabbing the stuff and gave it to her, "I'm sorry too, and yes. Nice to meet you too, Momoi-san."

"Just call me Momoi-chan if you'd like~ Can I call you Kuroko-chan?"

I nods and she smiles,

"Would you help me carry these stuffs back to the basketball club, Kuroko-chan?"

"Sure." I help her reduce the weight of the stuffs as I carry half of it,

"Our basketball club is amazing~ The first string are all first year students and they are on our class, Kuroko-chan!"

"Is that so?"

"Oh, I'm the manager by the way~"

"I see."

"But don't tell them, they all got some weird personalities~"

"Really?" I smile a little, still keeping a monotone expression.

She giggles, "Yup~ But they're all nice."

During our talks, we finally arrive. She open the door and the sound of basketball being dribbled rang inside the room.

"I'm back guys~ I brought company~"

"Welcome back,








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