Chapter 11

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My head is killing me and I feel very uncomfortable, my eyes slowly open to see that I am in a house that I have never seen, I look around me to see Elena unconscious beside me as well, crap what happened?

"Ahh she's awake" a woman with a pixie hair cut came in to the room stalking towards me.

"Who are you.... Where am I?" I asked hoping to get an answer.

"I'm no one you need to be concerned about and you also don't need to worry about where you are because you won't be leaving anytime soon" she said staring at me.

"Well I would like to know who the woman that abducted me is" I said getting angry.

"Don't talk to me like that I am the one that has you hostage and I can easily kill you" she said venomously, veins protruding from under her eyes.

She's a vampire great, just what I needed, I wanna rip her head off already but of course I am just a weak pathetic human who cannot do anything because death comes easy to people like me.

She left the room to go do whatever it is that she needs to do.

"Elena...Elena, wake up" I whispered shaking her awake.

Her eyes slowly fluttered open and she jumped back scared.

"Shhhh" I said raising my finger to my ear and pointing to the door.

She nodded her head understanding what I was trying to say.

A man then suddenly came in he sat beside Elena and starting talking about having one taste, I was gonna jump on him until the woman came in stopping him; I found out that he was called Trevor and she was called Rose after all of that I found out her name anyway.

Elena started talking begging them to let her go and asking questions which I already tried which lead to Rose smacking her unconscious, I jumped from my seat as I was fuming, no one touches my sister no matter what she's done to me, I rose my hand to hit her but before I could Trevor came in suddenly, grabbed my arm and twisted it until I heard a crack, I screamed because I was in so much pain.

"TREVOR, you cannot do that, he's not going to be impressed that you've hurt the doppelgänger!" Rose shouted.

"A doppelgänger?" I questioned struggling to get the words out due to the pain coursing through my arm.

"Shut up and sit down" Rose was seething.

I did as she said not wanting to get hurt anymore.

A few minutes passed and Elena finally woke from her slumber.

"Elena do not do anything to infuriate them, please" I asked, I didn't want her to be hurt, I didn't particularly care about me.

"We need to find out why we're here though" she said. She looked at my wrist as I was cradling it in my arm "what happened?" She questioned.

"Nothing Elena, I'm fine" I said my anger starting to boil for some unknown reason.

Rose came back in and Elena got up talking more like persisting answers out of her, I told her to stop.

I stood up and walked beside Elena, I zoned out of their little question and answer conversation and looked around. Until I looked at a corner of the room and saw him. I saw him mouth 'I'm coming' I started to walk in that direction until Trevor stood in front of me.

"What're you doing? Don't think you're getting out because there is no way out". He said looking at me curiously.

"I wasn't doing anything, now you need to get out of my way because I am in no mood to deal with you" I spat at him.

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