It was end of commercial and we sang our two songs. We said our bye to the crowd and left backstage.

"See, you did fine." I told Jordyn.

"It was still terrifying." I laughed.

"They loved you."

We finished packing and got all of our stuff.

*Jordyn pov*

That was terrifying but also really fun. At least I didn't make a fool of myself.

"Wanna go to a bar?" Matt asked. "I need a drink."

"Yes!" Ian yelled.

"Su-u-ure. But I'm not drinking." Mike said.

"Awww. C'mon Mike!" Ian pleaded. Mike shook his head.

"I got plans with Megan later."

"'Plans'" Matt quoted.


"You guys coming?" Ian asked me and Josh.

"I would like to." I said to Josh.

"Let's go then!"

We made it to a bar and we found a table. Everyone sat down and I sat beside Josh.

"I'll get the first round!" Matt yelled and went to the bartender.

"I feel like drinking tonight." I told Josh.

"And I'm not stopping you." He said and kissed the side of my head. Matt came back with three bears.

"I brought you one Jordyn, I don't know if you're drinking or not."

"Yes I am!" I took a drink. "I just want to apologize for whatever I'm going to do if I drink too much." The guys laughed.

*Hour Later*

"I love you so much." I mumbled to Josh. He laughed.

"I love you too." I stood up and sat on Josh. He put his hand on my thigh. I made my fingers walk up his arm and kissed him. All the guys at the table 'wooo'-ed.

"Hey. I can show affectioning." Affectioning? That makes sense, right? Affectioni... Affection... "Affection!" I yelled. "I can show affection."

"Oh my god. I need to get you home." I shook my head.

"No-o-o-ope. I want another drink. I will go only if I can drink yo-o-o-ou." I poked his nose. Everyone laughed.

"I'm taking her home."

"What? Why? I want another drink."

"Nope." He stood up and had me in his arms. "Bye guys."

*Josh pov*

I buckled Jordyn in the car and got in the drivers side.

"You're Josh right?"

"Yea." I laughed.

"Pfft. No. You're Matt."

"I'm Josh."

"No you're Matt. Can I tell you something?" She asked.


"I love Josh."

Perfect Disaster (Marianas Trench fan fiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora