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Hey wazup guys.. Sorry I haven't been on in SOOOOOO long. It's because I'm moving so I've been busy packing so lol anyway my grandma was helping me pack my room and she told me to look through my drawing with was A HUGE STACK it was falling over lol anyway I was looking through it and I saw a ton of CHEESEPIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE pics lol anyway so I wanted to tell you guys some of the art I saw...

Pinkie talking to pokey pierce and cheese in the background holding a note all like "Notice meeeeeeeeeeee"

A don't mine at night except with cheese and pinkie

Cheese and pinkie ice skating

Cheese and pinkie planing a PARTYYYYYY

cheese and pinkie kissing lol with gummy chewing on boneless 2 in the background

So that was a bunch of artwork I saw in there (there was more I just can't remember it) lol I'll be back now!!!!!!

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