The Clan Destroyer

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4:45 pm

The walk was long. We stopped once for John who began to cough widely, holding his stomach. The girl and I were at his side almost immediately. She checked him for any scratches or bites and when she found none she gave him some water. After ten minutes we began again. We reached town at 5:57pm. The streets were empty and the wind was picking up.

"Pick any house you want, John" she said turning to him, casting him a sweet smile. He blushed, looking around. "I want a yellow house" he nodded at his claim. I looked at the white and tan houses and held in a laugh.

"Well" I said sweeping my eyes over the houses and back to John "I don't think that's an easy find" he shrugged "Maybe green?" Now Carlos laughed "Aw man this kids colorblind". The girl squinted and turned "There are more houses down the street, let's keep walking and look out for a green or yellow house" she gave me a stern look before turning around.

I smiled. More larger houses appeared, but none were green or yellow. Carlos whined and wanted a light blue house with and empty drive way that was a bit separated from the houses. I had to agree it looked good, but the girl was determined to find John a house he liked.

"What about that one? It has a yellow tint to it." I said pointing out a well covered house full of wild plants blocking even the windows. The streets were broken from weeds and trees growing through too, and houses looked more creepy with shadows and broken glass covering the lawns; usually with a trace of blood somewhere.

John shrugged and agreed, but the girl pushed on until a ugly green house appeared. It looked untouched partly. The roof had bad damage, but the walls still stood and the windows were held together. "Like it?" She asked John. He nodded "Looks like my old home" he responded, his eyes glued on the house. It was a two story, as were all the houses around it with a typical white fence. The houses looked similar and large, a rich neighborhood. The grass stood extremely tall, practically to our hips. I didn't like the idea of walking through in fear something would come crawling at me, but the girl pulled out a long knife a walked with no hesitation.

John followed behind her every step. Carlos nudged me to go and I shook my head. I pushed him forward but he griped Andrew who hissed under his breath swearing he would kill Carlos in his sleep if he pushed him. "Coming boys?" She said breaking off the lock of the door as if it was plastic.

We looked at each other and held out our hand for rock paper scissors. "One. Two. Three!" I held scissors, Carlos held paper, and Andrew had rock. "Really? No one can win when you play with three people" she rolled her eyes and pulled out a hand gun in addition to her knife, whispering to John to do something. He raised his gun and followed her in.

"Go Hunter" Andrew said nudging me forward. "No way, I swear there's something in there" I shivered thinking about it.

"You know i hate snakes, and a whole cult of those Devils are slithering in there. I can hear them" Carlos said nudging me too. "Why do I have to go first?" I said looking at them with my arms crossed. "Two against one dude" Andrew said, his large body casting a shadow against the folding grass.

It looked strange and my fingers twitched to take a picture of it. "You go first next time cowards" I said picking up my gun from behind my back. I walked in in a rush, not wanting to be in there any longer than I had to.

I walked through the door when Carlos and Andrew caught up to me and we positioned ourselves to our triangle formation that constantly rotated at we walked.

We swept the two living rooms with no problem and entered the large long kitchen. The house felt strange and extremely dark. The same feeling I got walking through the grass, like something wasn't right.

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