Chapter 2

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"Let's play a game" I smirk evilly he has no idea what's coming.
He smirks back
Keira just hide behind me with a worried expression.

"Let's play a game you, me, and Keira."

"Who ever falls in love first loses and who they fall in love with wins"

He frowns
"Well that's not very challenging but I like the idea. How about that boy Willie and Mitch play too."

No just no.
Mitch is a gamer and is like one of the hottest guys in out school. We would literally have no chance Keira would fall for him.

He has light brown hair with hazel eyes.

But it's not like I can back out now.
"Ok we'll do it."
He smirks
"But how will you get all the guys to do it?" I question him and he looks annoyed.
"Oh I have my ways, Grey." I'm getting so annoyed with this stupid smirk.
"No one gave you permission to call me by my last name."
"Too bad, Grey."
I sigh there is no reasoning with him.
"See you tomorrow babe."
He winked

*Keira's P.O.V*

What did Ally just get us into!?
I grab her hand and walk over to my house.

"Hey mom! Ally is here"
"Ok honey I'm just in the office working."

We have a modern house that is a light grey with big glass windows.
We walk upstairs to my room.

My room is a light blue with a purple bean bag in one corner. My bed is in the other. Then I have a walk in closet and a bathroom connecting to my room. My bed has a blue, white, lime green, and purple swirls and flowers pattern on the bed spread. I have a white desk with my mac book pro siting on it.

We are pretty well off when it comes to money but we don't like to brag or think of ourselves superior to others.

We sit down on my light grey carpeted floor.

"We need to think of our strategy against the boys." Says Ally in deep though
"Sure" I roll my eyes at her.
"What we do"
"It's just funny how you think we need a strategy" I giggle.
"Ok strategy one DONT FALL FOR MITCH!!!"

Ok ok yes I'm romantic and fall for boys easily.

"Hey!" I clutch my chest and pretend to be hurt.
"Keira I know how boys work Payton will be planning a strategy with the guys and I know they will have Mitch go after you."

She's lecturing me about boys.

"I won't fall for Mitch."
"Yes you will softy."

We talked and did homework till Ally had to go.

"Bye Ally" I waved at her.
"See ya Keira"

We briefly hug and she walks away.

I yawn and make my self some camomile tea yummy! Every night I have to have camomile tea otherwise it's hard to sleep. When I was little I went to the doctors because I couldn't sleep and he gave me a ton of medicine that would 'work' but it never did. My grandma told me to try some camomile tea and I did. Surprisingly it worked.

My mom came and sat next to me at the table.

"How was school?"
I yawn
"I'm going to go to sleep I'm really tired"
"Why are you tired honey, is it stress? She asks worriedly
"No mom I'm fine don't worry."
I give her a kiss on the check and she smiles weakly.

I walk upstairs and go into my walk in closet and pull out my blue pajama pants and pull on a tank top. Woah that's a little revealing glancing down at my tight black tank top. Well it's not like anyone is going to see me.

*Payton's P.O.V*

It was easy convincing the guys to join in our little game.

Hah I choose the guys that will do the best job. Mitch will steal any girl in a heartbeat and Willie is Ally's child hood friend and well I am just so irresistible.

The girls will be swooning within hours.


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