Chapter 7 She's No Charmer

Start from the beginning

"I don't know whether you're insulting me or not."

"I'm complementing you," he smiled. "I'm calling you a softy or something because you are kind and gentle." And in all her time with Theo, trying to get him to even actually say something nice to her and not unproper to her, no one had had said anythung like that to her.

"I'm ... thank you, Hunter," she got up and kissed his cheek, feeling queazy when doing so. And left, looking back at her shoulder, she called: "I'll see you this evening."

Hunter had made his way to his room, only to see a man blocking his way.

"Excuse me," Hunter said, not unkind. "That is the door to my room."

"Is it?" The man asked, as if oblivious that he was standing in front of the door. "Well, how about you answer a few questions and you can go in." Hunter mentally sighed dramatically, but he nodded.


"First question: how do you know Liesel?" Hunter shrugged.

"I met her a few days ago," he said simply. "How do you know her?"

"I'm the one asking questions here, mister. Second question: are you enagaged?" Hunter gawked at that.

"I don't see why you need to know, or care, mister." He got angry now. Who did he think he was? Hunter shook his head. And the man in front of him looked like the sort of man who wouldn't budge with a fight. So for a moment Hunter though if he could land a punch or two and get to his room. "I don't even know you, why all of a sudden you want to know my personal business?" Hunter crossed his arms.

"I'm Theo," he said gruffly. "And I..." He began to pace. "I'm very close to the Queen and suggest-what are you...?" Hunter had taken the chance that Theo had given him. When he had begun to pace, Hunter slipped casually through him and walked to the door.

"Good afternoon, sir." Hunter said with a nice smile. And he closed the door, locking the five locks it had. Shaking his head, he threw himself on the bed, looking for some pen and paper. Once he got hold of that, he sat on his desk and began to write to his father.

"Dear father, ..." He explained his journy with Vanessa and how she had been a wonderful girl, and his plan on leaving her on the woods- "In a safe place, though ... I wouldn't leave her stranded ..." And how she had turned out to be a soldier of some kind and she has just been with him to get a ride to er home town. "She left me open mouthed. I didn't think she would be capable ... but she did. And ... I guess she's fine ..." He also told him about rhe little cabin he had and how the dreams had started, dreaming and sleep walking to a castle Vanessa had warned him about. That death awaite him. "But don't worry, father ... I'm alive, the Queen of the castle actually likes me ..." And though Wendy hadn't recognized him, he had gotten to talk to her again. And she had turned out just as nice, if anything, she was even funnier. "I'm living in a castle, father, I know it's not what you wanted, but I'm happy for now. And this girl ... Wendy ... she's really something. I would like to know her better. Just as I want to know the Queen better, she makes believe she's scarry ..." But obviously she was a kindred soul. "With love,
Your son, Hunter."

Liesel was getting ready for the evening, she had in mind taking him near the river, she already knew he was, actually, a hunter. And she'd never hunted with a boy before. So, she got dressed in leather trousers, brown hunting boots and a white shirt, later covered with a jacket that matched the boots. She put her hair in a french braid, yet, instead of brading it from the top of her head, she braided from the lower part. An instead of braiding it the whole way down, she stopped it with a rubber band.

Her hair fell down her back in waves, and she finished the last touch with clear pink lipgloss. Even if all her marks and tattoos were all expossed, and she had at least cut her claws shorter. She looked pretty. When her door opened, she turned and saw Wendy carrying some small boxes.

"I brought your new body washes Liesel," she said, not looking way while she put away the body washes. "I think the purple ones smell like vanilla. And the creamy looking ones smell like apples. But the black ones smell better than cherry pies. Do you think I could borrow the black-" Liesel cleared her throat and Wendy quickly looked at her, her lips turning upward with a smile.

"I believe I am going out on a hunting trip," Liesel said, happily.

"Do you even know how to hunt?"

"Well, no. But, I'm going with Hunter, so he can teach me." Wendy smiled, and this smile went deeper with memory.

"He's a beautiful young man, inside and out. Don't break his heart, Liesel. I not," Wendy grinned. "I can have him!"

"Oh!" Liesel laughed out loud. "Well, go ahead and him now. I'm ... I'm not looking for anything with him." Liar, yes you are. She shook her head. "I'm still waiting for a talk with Theo. At least I can dump him afterwards."

"Amen, woman," Wendy shook her own head. "I over heard him talking to a young from the west, I think I needed ro wash my brain with bleach, I learned a few more words than I had to with seductiveness."

"So, he's not just with me?" Liesel had the frace to look and sound hurt. "He's using me?" Wendy looked pained now.

"I shouldn't have said anything, Liesel," Wendy whispered. And Liesel quickly regained her posture.

"No. No, you should have." She said, giving Wendy a light hug, who caught both girls off guard. "You gave me an advantage, now I know he really doesn't matter to marry. I might, maybe, look for someone else." Wendy gave her a nod and smile.

"There is my strong friend," Wendy patted her arm. "Go and slay some fish and warthogs for dinner." Liesel made a face.

"I'll just watch." She asured. "Bye." After she left, waiting for her was Theo, his arms behind his back.

"My Queen," he said. "You look ..."

"Like an ordinary girl?" She challenged. He made a face.

"Yes," she felt her cheeks burn. "But don't worry." He whispered by her ear. "You won't use them anymore in a few minutes. We can meet by your door...?" She shook her head and took a step by him, grabbing her fingerless gloves.

"I'm going out to hunt," he brightene up.

"I'm excellent with my traps," he said, already sounding proud. "I could show you how good I am with them."

"No..." she said. "I can't. I'm already going with someone." He raised his eyebrows.

"Who?" He asked. "A hunting instructer? I could teach you just fine-"

"Actually," said someone above them. "It's just me. But, I can teach her better." Theo looked up at a handsome looking Hunter. His hair was wet from the shower and he was dressed in black and brown leather. His bow was strapped across his chest and his bows were in their bow case behind his back.

"And how do you think that?" Theo said, Liesel watched with fascination as he debated whether to just shut up and leave or keep talking and make a clear fool of himself. "Do you think you're better than me?"

"Yeah," Hunter laced his arm with Liesel's and she smiled, pulling him closer to her, he hummed happily. "The way I slipped through my door while you got distracted pacing? That wasn't pretty clever, sir." Theo flushed with anger. "Now, come, Liesel. We have some hunting to do." Even if theybwere all acting childish, Liesel felt happier fhan she had five minutes ago. And that was all because of Hunter. I've found a friend I can count on, haven't I? She nodded and held him tighter to her.

My lovelies!!! How are you today? Estan bien? Que bueno! Mal? Que malo... Haha, my advantage to know Spanish helps in many things and one of them is to read even more. How did you like this little chapter? Oh!


Either Liesel or Hunter. First one I see that comments... If you answer correctly, you get your name in a brief character, you can send me the descriptions you would like to have and I'll get you in the book! ☺️😉😁 I love you guys!!!

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