Chapter 1 the goodbye

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Chapter 1

The goodbye.

“Prince I’m pregnant.” She whispered but loud enough for him to hear.  Rica peered through her lashes to watch his reaction. He just stared at her shocked. Minutes passed he moved pacing back and forth to the room. “I..I said we’re safe you used condoms and you have your techniques.”

“You’re blaming me?” Rica jumped at his angry voice.

“No its that...I don’t know what to do.” Rica blinked back tears . she knew this would happen that Prince wouldn’t want to take care of this.

Prince looked at her. “Are you crazy? Its your body! You should know if someone’s about to knock you up!”

She started to cry.  “Rica your crying wouldn’t change anything’re already pregnant instead of crying you should use that brilliant mind of yours to get us out of this problem.”

“Prince I don’t know what to do or think . I’m only 15 years old I don’t know what to do I don’t have any family.”

She always knew that Prince loved her. He’s always been sweet to her. She knows that she was her first and he will be the last but she never yet imagine him and her with their baby. At first when she saw those two lines she wasn’t scared because she knew Prince will take care of her but now? she’s scared with him like this. She actually thought he would be flattered.

“ Damn!” he shouted.

Rica wiped her eyes. “Anyway, I have nine months to think. When we were in the car you said you have something to say too.”

Prince sat across her burying his face to his hands. “Prince what is it?”

“I met my fiancé last night.” He declared. Rica jumped to her  feet.

“What? What fiancé? What the hell are you talking about?” she started to get hysterical. Prince stood up holding her by the shoulders.

“Baby listen to me. we’re still young we don’t know yet what we are doing.” He said Rica slapped him, she’s good at this especially with a backhand slap so he backhanded him.

Prince’s hair got messy. Rica looked at him with hate. “How dare you say that now that I’m pregnant.”

Prince pointed a finger at her. “ well you’re not smart after all! Haven’t you haven’t you heard of other ways? If you don’t want a baby well I’m sure as hell the same. I’m not yet ready to be a father and I have a fiancé to take care of. I have enough problems Rica!”

After hearing this, all Rica wanted was some air. She made her run out. Before she could reach the door Prince has his arms wrapped around her waist. She didn’t want to turn around and be carried away by his angelic face but she always knew that the bad boy attitude of his is still there.

He tightened his arms around her leaning his head on her shoulder, she can feel his breath to her neck. “Don’t leave me...Rica. I need you don’t move away from me.”

“ you have your fiancé.”

“ in the future when I get married I still want to be with you. We can still be together .”

“Prince let me go I need to go home.” She struggle on his hold but he didn’t let go.

“No. You’re not going to leave me.”

“I need to go home I need a rest.”

“Baby please...”

“Prince I need to get up early and meet the doctor. I need to get rid of our problems.”

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