I watched as she shuffled in his spot irritably, stuffing his hands in his pockets. 

"I need to tell you something." He informed, leaning his back against the wall behind him. 

I crossed my arms promptly and lifted up my chin. 

"If you're here to appoligise for your own scandle from a few months ago with the magazine, you can move your arse out of my flat before I kick it out myself."

My shoulders slumped down distastefully as he released a slight chuckle from his lips.

"No I can assure you I'm still very pleased with how that turned out."

He held up both his hands up in surrender as I shot him a murderous glare. I could almost feel my blood begin to boil in his presence. 

I leaned my own back against the wall behind me and crossed my arms, deciding  it was time for a staring competition.

"Tif I didnt come here to get you angry." He grumbled out sourly. "I came here because I had to tell you about that necklace your wearing."

My eyes fluttered down at the silver chain dangling off my chest. 

"What about it?" I asked crooking up an eyebrow curiously. 

He looked away briefly then back at the necklace around my neck.

"I know who its from."


Mason had suggested we go to a caffe to talk but after I explained to him how all One Directions fans were seeking my head on a stick, he decided otherwise.

I walked him over to the living room, still shocked that I was actually letting him in my house to converse with him. I hadnt seen him in months and I vowed that I would never talk to him ever again under any circumstances. 

But I had to make an exception for this.

He took a seat on the chair opposite from where I was sitting and slumped down lazily.

I cleared my throat loudly to get his attention. 

"Start talking then."

He sat up quickly and clasped his hands together.

"Well I dont know his name, but I know what he was wearing."

"Alright then." I challenged.

"He had on a black jumper and jeans."

The silence after his response began to irritate me. Was that all he came to deliver? 

"Thats it?" I asked bitterly.

"It was dark when I met him." He admited, smiling at the floor with a cocky smile realising I wanted more information. 

"Do you at least know what he looks like." I asked with a tiny shred of hope.

"Not really." He said, biting his lip. 

I let out a loud huff of hot air and laid back on the couch in annoyance. This was beginning to sound more and more like a waste of time.

I pulled a sarcastic grin on my face and directed my attention to Mason.

"Well, that was 0% useful. Thanks for stopping by but I have about 35 more episodes of friends to watch so if you wouldnt mind." I said standing up, grabbing him by his shoulder and dragging him out of my flat. 

He seemed to go along with it, until we were at the door and he spun around quickly causing me to run into his chest. 

He chuckled as I stepepd back immediatly, blushing for some random reason. 

As I opened the door for him he spun around again but I was careful not to run into him.

"He told me he wanted you to read this," He said in a quiet voice. "But I forgot to give it to you." 

I narrowed my eyes at him angrily. "You just forgot?" I repeated sarcastically.

I watched as he rolled his eyes at me, shuffling through his pockets until taking out a folded up piece of paper.

"Just read it, and you'll get why I didnt want to show you."

I looked at him nervously as he reached out his hand with the crumbled paper in it. I didnt even have to open it to know it was the same messenger from before. And as I realised that, I felt the temperature drop 20 degrees. 

I opened the note carefully. 

"I dont understand what I did for you to treat me like some stranger, I thought I knew you so well. But I guess I didnt, and puting your trust to the test was the only way to confirm my thoughts. I see how it is now, and things will be different. You wait and see, love." 

I folded up the paper quickly and jammed it in my pocket. However Mason had already read it, and looking up at his face made him look almost genuinely  concerned. 

"When did he give this to you?" I asked keeping my eyes glued on the paper in my hands.

"Last night." He said thoughtfully, putting on his face of concentration. "Yeah around 10 I believe, maybe a little past that."

I nodded my head slowly, trying to wrap around my thoughts.

"Who do you think it's from?" He asked, focusing his stare on the fasinating tapestry under our feet. 

A hushed whimper escaped my lips as the realisation hit me.

"I really have no idea." 

Hey everyone :) Just wanted to let you guys know that there are only 2 chapter left after this one!! D: I knooow time went by so fast, I cant believe this book is coming to an end so soon :( But dont worry, the ending will be shocking [ I hope you guys think so ]. But for now, I hope you guys liked this chapter, kinda short but VERY REVEALING if you ask me.... :) Vote/Comment what you thought and have a lovely day xx -Chloe

Ps. I Hope you all had a wonderfull Easter  

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