{JiTzu} - they get overprotective and jealous (requested)

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Your girlfriends could feel the exhaustion of such a busy night starting to catch up to them.

Sitting in the dressing room after a long day and a huge concert, their eyes felt heavy and all they wanted to do was head back to the hotel and get some rest.

But this night was different than the ones they've had whilst on tour so far because you were here with them and that brought them immense happiness.

"I'm still sorry I got here so late." You apologized once more.

"Baby, there's no need to be sorry. Your flight got delayed, that happens." Tzuyu said.

"All that matters is that you're here with us." Jihyo smiled and kissed your head.

They were so happy to have you back in their arms and for the next few days at that.

You'd be traveling with them for the last few shows on the tour before you'd return home together when they performed three final shows in Seoul and the tour would then come to an end.

You intended to arrive earlier than you did so you could see your girlfriends before they had to go on stage but your flight was delayed for a few hours and you didn't get here until almost halfway through the show.

The staff, thankfully, helped you into the stadium and you waited impatiently to see your girls until the next quick change for the next set.

Once they saw you, they struggled to let you go and focus on performing because, despite it being their favorite thing in the world, it had been almost three months since Jihyo and Tzuyu had been able to hold and kiss you and that's all they wanted to do.

Now that they had you back in their arms, they never wanted to let you go again so it brought them so much joy to know that you were by their sides for the last few days of the tour.

But they were keeping you to themselves and the other girls weren't too happy about that because you're one of their closest friends and they had missed you too.

"Can you let go of your girlfriend for five minutes so we can all give her a hug?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Nope." Tzuyu and Jihyo replied in unison and you laughed before you pulled away from them.

"I'll be just a few minutes." You told them when they whined and pouted at you.

Dahyun was the first to give you a hug, followed by Mina, and Momo.

They checked on you, asking you how things had been since they embarked on the tour and how your long flight had been.

And then, Nayeon came over and threw her arms around you tightly to give you the biggest hug.

Before you began dating Tzuyu and Jihyo, you had been very close friends with Nayeon.

You still are, though your bond has become a little stronger since you see each other more often now that you're dating two of her other best friends.

Jihyo and Tzuyu know how close you two have always been but they didn't like how clingy Nayeon was being with you.

She wouldn't let you go when you went to pull away and you just let out a loud and joyous laugh as she rubbed your back and let your scent fill her lungs.

Jihyo and Tzuyu looked at each other before looking back at you and Nayeon.

They began to feel overprotective and jealous as they watched Nayeon keep you so close to her.

You're their girl, they're supposed to be the ones that hold you that tight and refuse to let you go, not Nayeon.

They stood up and walked over to you and Nayeon before clearing their throats loudly, making you and Nayeon jump before pulling away.

"Are we interrupting something?" Jihyo asked.

"Of course not!" Nayeon laughed.

"Is there something funny about this?" Tzuyu wondered. "The way you're clinging to her, we'd almost think she was here to see you instead of us."

"You know that's not true. Y/N and I have always been very close friends. I've missed her too!" Nayeon defended.

"Yeah, well, you're a little too close for our liking," Jihyo said before pouting slightly as she and Tzuyu wrapped you in their arms.

You shook your head with a smile.

"It's alright. You don't have anything to be jealous about, especially not when it comes to Nayeon of all people." You calmly told them, trying to reason with them. "You should apologize."

"Apologize?" Tzuyu mumbled. "But she was so clingy with you. We have every right to be jealous and overprotective. You're our girl."

"I know that and so does she." You giggled. "It's Nayeon. You know that you have no reason to be jealous when it comes to her."

They knew you were right, though they didn't want to say it aloud.

"We're sorry," Jihyo said.

"I know you two just missed her a lot. I get why you're jealous. It's been a while since you've been able to be with her and I was hogging her a little." Nayeon said before smiling as Jihyo and Tzuyu laughed. "It's all good, don't worry. But Y/N's right. You have no reason to be jealous. I promise."

Nayeon walked away to talk with the other girls as you turned to look at your girlfriends.

"We're sorry we got so jealous and overprotective."

"Overprotective? I say possessive." You joked and watched them roll their eyes playfully. "But don't be sorry. It's kinda hot when you both get so jealous."

They smirked at you.

"Yeah? It's hot, hm?" Jihyo asked as she and Tzuyu pulled you closer.

"Very." You replied before biting your lip. "Too bad we're still here. We have a lot of catching up to do and truthfully, there's nothing I want more than to be with just my girls."

Tzuyu cleared her throat to get the girls' attention as Jihyo grabbed your things.

"We're tired, we're heading back to the hotel," Tzuyu said.

"Goodnight!" Jihyo spoke as she and Tzuyu began to tug at your hands and pull you out of the dressing room.

"See you all tomorrow," You told the girls with a laugh and they just shook their heads with big smiles, knowing that the three of you were far from being tired and just wanted to catch up instead.

TWICE x Female Reader Poly ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora