Chapter 1

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I woke up from my alarm and got really upset. I know I should be happy because it's the day of school but that meant the next day I would have to wake up early and go to a camp my mom forces me to go to every summer. Did I mention the camp is for a month? Well it is. That means not only its the last day of but, the next month will be the worst time of my life. I've been forced to go to this camp for 4 years. Ugh help me.

I jumped out of bed put my hair up and hopped in the shower. I don't usually wet my hair in the mornings because I hate it wet. I dried off and put on my black jeans with a black white striped shirt. I don't put on makeup because it's not showing the real me, plus I don't want to be like the other girls that cake makeup on. Some of the girls wear slutty clothes like short shorts with a crop top that shows their stomach, or something like a short skirt with a crop top. That stuff makes me sick. With me on the other hand I don't do that stuff.

I ran downstairs and greeted my mom and my older brother jake. Jake was on the soccer team. He was going to college soon so we won't see him that much. I get along with him and we are really close. He's been going through some tough stuff lately because him and his girlfriend are going to different colleges. They've been going out since freshman year. Jake is unfortunately going to California for college and his girlfriend or should o say ex now is going to Georgia. The only reason Jake is going to California for college is because they offered him a something for soccer. I'll really miss him.

I don't have a dad, well I don't have one anymore. he walked out on us when I was 2 and when Jake was 3. My brother and I don't really remember but my mom was devastated. We don't know why he did it. It's sad to think about it but it's life. You have to get through it.

I looked in the cabinet for breakfast. What is there. There's cereal, bananas and of course. I saw boxes of pop-tarts on right hand side. "Which one do I want" I said to myself. There was red velvet, cinnamon, and strawberry. I picked the red velvet because it makes me happy. I could practically eat 5
pop-tarts in a row of I was aloud to. My mom buys them because I'm clearly obsessed. I opened up the package and ate the crust first, then the middle. I love the crust. I don't know why I like it better then the middle but it's whatever.

I took my brother to school today because I was going to miss him while he was away at college. I grabbed the keys and we hopped into the car.

I needed to make a conversation with him, he looked sad. I finally said out of the blue "What's wrong Jake?" A couple seconds passed "I'm just going to miss Julie. I love her so much. I'll never get so see her. I don't want to leave her." He said. Julie is his ex. I can't stand seeing him sad. It broke my heart. "Jake, I know it's going to be hard, but hopefully you'll get through it. Are you sure you want to go to California? For you know soccer?" I said slowly. "You know Kayla I don't know. I'm only going to California for soccer, but I want to go there. I just don't want to leave Julie." He said with tears in his eyes. "Jake... Are you positive you want to go there for college?" I asked cautiously. "I don't want to go, but it's too late." He said with a tear dripping down his face. It almost made me cry. "It's not too late. You can still get into Georgia go tell Julie right when we get to school. Go tell her you love her." I said. "Okay I will." He said. When we parked he got out so fast I didn't even get to say goodbye. "Hey well that's someone who loves a girl." I murmur to myself.

I got out of my car and while I was walking to my locker my best friend Sarah pulled me to the corner out of no where. "Geez Sarah!" I said yelling. "Sorry sorry sorry. Do you have a jacket I can borrow? It's kind of cold in here."she said while rubbing her hands on her arms. "Are you serious?! You did that for a jacket?!" I said screaming. "I'm sorry" she said. "Yah I do have a jacket come with me to my locker." I said. When we got to my locker I put in my locker combination and got the fuzzy jacket out. "Here" I said. "Thanks Kayla" she said putting on the jacket.

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