Game day and no boys !

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Vanessa's POV
*today is one of my all time favourite days of the week ! One because it's Friday and I have the day off and 2 because it's Kaiden's junior high football game day ! Here in America game days are a big deal ! All the family's and students go out to the field and cheer on the players and over all it's such a fabulous time had by all ! So we made Fridays our family nights we all go watch Kaiden's game and we come back and either watch a movie or play games whatever we decide and we just chill as a family with no electronics or staying in rooms ! Actual family bonding time ! It's currently 8am and Kelly just took the last batch of kids to school before going to work  and now I have the house to myself! The reason why I have Fridays off are because there such a busy day as Layla only has half days on Fridays as she's only in primary school and when the other kids get out it's a mad rush to get everyone ready for the game ! So I chose to have Fridays off but gabby is just fine because she's has our half time paramedic Sylvie Brett who used to work with us but decided to take a high rank position and works at 51 half time so she works on Fridays and fills in whenever one of us can't be there ! Anyways I cleaned up the kitchen from breakfast cause it gets quite messy during that time in the morning and then I headed upstairs and got dressed for the day*

*i put this outfit on cause today is cleaning day ! And I didn't wanna ruin a good outfit for cleaning ! So i finished cleaning the kitchen and then made my way and cleansed the living room,playroom,mud room,and then cleaned all the bedrooms and b...

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*i put this outfit on cause today is cleaning day ! And I didn't wanna ruin a good outfit for cleaning ! So i finished cleaning the kitchen and then made my way and cleansed the living room,playroom,mud room,and then cleaned all the bedrooms and bathrooms and in my books that was a pretty successful day as now it was 11:55 and Layla got off the bus at 12 so I grabbed my phone and headed out to the bus stop where I waited for Layla to get off the bus*
*I saw the bus pull up and Layla got off the bus with a huge smile on her face*
Layla:mommy guess what ?
Ness:what ?
Layla:I got a flower at school today *holds up her flower*
Ness:oh wow ! A rose ! Who gave you that ?
Layla:Preston *says shyly*
Ness:a boy gave you that ! *smiles*
Ness:just wait until your father and brothers here's about this !
Ness:are you hungry ? *I ask as we walk back to the house*
Layla:yeah !
Ness:what do you want ?
Layla:pasta salad
Ness:I think I can make that !
Layla:yay ! This is the best day ever !
Ness:why is that ?
Layla:cause I got a flower and pasta salad
Ness:oh my Layla you are your mothers daughter ! *laughs*
*once we made it back to the house I quickly made some pasta salad and me and Layla ate that together and then we decided to both get a bath and shower before the others get home cause then it's going to be madness ! While Layla was in the bath playing I went and got dressed*

*i put this outfit on cause today is cleaning day ! And I didn't wanna ruin a good outfit for cleaning ! So i finished cleaning the kitchen and then made my way and cleansed the living room,playroom,mud room,and then cleaned all the bedrooms and b...

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*I put this outfit on cause it gets cold in the evenings and I curled my hair and did some makeup and then I got Layla out of the bath and I braided her hair and she got dressed*

*she put this outfit on and then me and her decided to go get some donuts as a little treat when the other come home in an hour and a half*Back at home *when we arrived the kids and Kelly would be back within minutes so I laid out the donuts and t...

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*she put this outfit on and then me and her decided to go get some donuts as a little treat when the other come home in an hour and a half*
Back at home
*when we arrived the kids and Kelly would be back within minutes so I laid out the donuts and they looked so cute ! And just in time they walked in the door*
Gracie:mom !! Guess what !
Gracie:I got a 96% on my math assignment
Ness:that's awesome Gracie !
Gracie:I'm so happy
Ness:I am to ! How about you Noah ?
Noah:I got a 89%
Ness:that's great buddy !
Noah:it's not my highest mark
Ness:hey ! It's still a good one buddy !
Noah:yeah !
Kai:are those donuts for us ?
Ness:yeah ! I got them for a little Friday great
*all the kids go and get one beside Layla as she already had on*
Ness:Layla why don't you tell daddy what you got at school today !
Kelly:ooh ! What did you get ?
Layla:a rose ! *holds it up proudly*
Kelly:oh how pretty ! Did your teacher give you that ?
Layla:no silly ! Preston did ! He gave it to me a recess !
Kelly:hold up ! A boy gave you that?!
Kaiden:a boy gave you what Layla ?!
Layla:a rose ! *smiles*
Kelly:*shakes his head*
Kaiden:Layla ! Your to young to have a boyfriend!
Layla:he's not my boyfriend yet !
Layla:yeah ! I'm asking him on Monday
Kaiden:yeah no !
Kelly:no boyfriends until your 30
Kaiden:no 40
Kelly:*high fives kaiden*
Layla:mommy this isn't fair !
Gracie:hey used to it Layla just wait till you get to elementary school there will be so many cuter guys there
Kelly:Gracie ! Do not encourage your sister
Kaiden:yeah and I hope your not talking to boys your also to young
Kelly:yeah !
Noah:might be to late for that she talks do so many guys !
Kelly:okay final rule no talking to boys until highschool ! No boyfriends till high school and that goes for girlfriends to boys ! You understand me
Kelly:good ! Now go get ready for the game
*all the kids get changed and then we eat a quick supper which is left over barbecue chicken burgers  with fries we go to the game and cheer on Kaiden and come home and watch minions and then go to bed cause we are all exhausted-8

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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