Ch.16: Can we be friends/An old enemy

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(Frollo's POV)

Girls! Girls come back here! I heard Angelina call after her twins.
"Don't worry I know where they're going. Why don't you stay with Lily and I'll go get the girls" I said giving her a comforting smile.
"Thank you my lord, please excuse their behavior" she said somewhat embarrassed.
I just nodded and quickly made my way up the stairs to the bell tower.
From a distance I could hear the girls giggling, and expressing how beautiful the bells were. But suddenly the two of them gasped.
"Oh no... They saw him!!" I said to myself.
Running the rest of the way up the stairs, I finally reached the top and looked around for the girls.
"Adeline! Allison! Come here this instant!" I said in a stern voice.
I was nearly knocked over by Allison who quickly hid behind my robe. She seemed scared and shook up.
"Where's your sister?" I asked.
Allison said nothing but pointed to one corner of the room.
Walking over to it, I saw Adeline kneeling down and talking to a certain someone in a calm sweet voice.
"Hi! Hi my name is Adeline, I'm sorry me and my sister scared you. But you don't have to be afraid. Come on out."
I was touched by how sweet she was being. And shocked that she wasn't afraid of him.
I slowly approached her and put a hand on her shoulder.
"You heard her boy, come out and say hello."
He hesitated OfCourse but in a low voice he said "Yes master".
Quasi finally came out of hiding, but kept his face down.
"Hi there, why are you hiding your face?" Adeline asked.
Quasi just shrugged. God he was so shy, but I couldn't really blame him.
"Tell her your name boy, she already told you her's" I said in a strict voice that he knew all to well.
".... Quasimodo" he said slowly lifting his head up.
Allison clinged onto me in fear, but Adeline just stared at Quasi with bright eyes and a friendly smile.
"These two are the daughters of Lily's friend. They didn't mean to disturb you Quasimodo" I explained.
"Oh no master they didn't disturb me, they just surprised me as all...I uhh..find them adorable."
Both girls giggled and thanked him.
"Come girls your mother is looking for you" I said taking both of their hands in mine.
"Can Quasi come too?" Allison asked. I looked at her with a raised eyebrow. She was just scared of him a minute ago.
"I have to stay here, people aren't as nice to me as you girls are" he explained.
"But why?" Adeline asked.
"Well...I'm a monster" he said in shame.
A twing of guilt rose in my gut. I knew he only believed that because that's what I told him.
"No you're not, you're just different" Allison said, cathing him completely off guard by letting go of me and hugging him.
He seemed thrown off at first but held her back. He seemed so happy that I could've sworn I saw tears forming in the corner of his eyes.
"How nice. Come along girls. You may see Quasimodo another time."
All three of them said their goodbyes. As the girls walked with me down the stairs they talked about introducing Quasimodo to their mother. I could only imagine how well that would go.
However when we reached the last step I saw Clarissa taking to Lily.
She was smirking at her with her arms crossed. Clearly taunting her.
"Girls go to your mother" I said quickly giving them a push in Angela's direction.
I huffed and tried to keep my cool as I approached my love and that annoying woman.

(A/N: Hey everyone. Thank you all for the support and encouragement to post more chapters. Hope you guys like this one. Being a mom is both wonderful and EXHAUSTING!! But he's my whole world and I wouldn't change that for nothing. He keeps me busy so that's why I haven't posted in a while. But hang in there more chapters will come soon.)

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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