Ch.3: Just Leave Me Alone

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(Frollo's POV)

I don't know why I keep doing this to myself. I know I made her a promise to take care of the cottage and her beloved horses.
But every time I come here I keep thinking that she'll be there.
That she'll open that cottage door, fling herself into my arms and tell me she loves me once again.
But of course that's impossible and I just keep fooling myself.
"Good boy" I said to snowball as we entered the stables.
Once my boy saw Sophia he immediately walked over to her and nuzzled her with his snout.
"Lucky bastard" I whispered to myself before I began feeding the rest of the girls.
Rose and Blanche ate happily. But as for Dorothy she didn't touch her food and just stood there letting out shaky breathes. Almost as if she was..crying.
I sighed and pet her soft mane. "I know girl..I miss her too. But she wants you to eat, if you don't I'd be braking a promise.'
Eventually Dorothy began eating, and after I was done cleaning the cottage I went back to the stables to get snowball.
But what I saw nearly made me gag! Snowball was on his hind legs holding onto Sophia and thrusting into her. They were mating!!
I couldn't bring myself to pull him away so I just shut the stable doors and decided to walk back to the church. But the images of what I just saw were going to haunt me for a while.
When I finally reached the church I was hoping that I could just walk in and just go up the bell tower like I usually did. But unfortunately for me I was greeted by Ms. Chris and Ms.Angela who had just arrived for work at the nursery.
"Good morning my lord" Chris said almost to cheerfully for me.
"Good morning your honor" Angela said holding her 2 month old daughter in her arms.
"A good morning to both of you" I said with little to no emotion to my voice.
"How are you sir?" Chris asked.
"Have you heard from Lily?" Angela asked.
Next thing I knew I was bombarded with question after question.
"How is she?"
"Is she making any plans to come back to Paris soon?"
"Are the two of you planning on getting married?"
"Is everything okay?"
I just gritted my teeth and excused myself away from them without answering their questions.
Walking towards the stairs of the bell tower, I was about to walk up there. When I was greeted by another person I didn't want to talk to.
"Hello my lord" it was Clarissa. Just seeing her made me angry.
"Can I help you?" I asked.
"I was just saying hello and was wondering if you'd like to join me for lunch today?" She said trying to be flirtatious.
I scoffed "Dont you have a class to be teaching?" I asked.
"Please join me my lord, you know I've apologized countless times for my behavior at the ball. Please give me another chance....I know your lonely and sad. She has no right to leave you here. I'm sad that Phoebus left me too. So maybe..we can find comfort in each other" she said trying to stroke my cheek.
She gasped as I slapped her hand away.
"Leave me alone! I don't need your comfort you skank!" I screamed before turning and walking away.
As I walked up the stairs I could hear the little brat crying.
I could care less OfCourse, but what I couldn't understand is why everyone couldn't let me wallow in my sorrows alone.

..and why my Angel hadn't written to me like she heart was braking and there was nothing that could ease my pain.

My Sinful DemonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora