"How about we go back to the apartment with Kegan and watch a movie?" he suggested.

"Fireproof?" she  asked as she  batted  her  eyelashes..... It was her  first attempt at flirting.

He and Kegan chuckled. "Yes. We can watch fireproof."


Sammy's Point Of View:

Sammy  woke up and groaned. She  felt like she  had been hit with a truck.

"How are you feeling Sammy?" Dr. Jacob asked.

"bad." she  moaned.

"I imagine so. I was correct you are dehydrated, but you also have a pretty nasty virus." he said as he tucked the covers around her  a little tighter.

She  closed her eyes and wished  the room would stop spinning.

She  felt him press something to her  lips and  turned her  head away from him. .

"Sammy, I need to take your temp."

She  refused to answer or open her eyes.



"Samantha." he warned.

"I don't want to." she said as she  started to cry.

His face softened and he sat on the edge of the bed. "Why are you crying darli.... Sammy?"

"I don't know." she  admitted as she wiped my eyes.

He reached over and picked up a syringe.

"I think you would feel better with some more sleep. I am going to give you a little something." he said as he uncapped the needle.

Sammy  didn't  know why, but the thought of it overwhelmed her and she  started to cry again. 'Lord please calm me.' she  silently prayed.

"Sammy this isn't like you." he said as he sat the needle down. He hadn't used it and she was grateful. He took his hands and stroked her  face soothingly.

She  relaxed a little.

"What's really going on?"  he asked.

"I want to see my family." she  said as she  wiped her eyes.

He looked surprised. "Are you homesick?" he asked.

  She nodded. "I want to be sick with my brother and my mom."

His eyes took a look of sympathy. "Is that why you're upset? Do you want to be sick at your own house?"

She  nodded as her  lip trembled.

He took my hand gently. "I imagine it would be hard to be in a place so clinical all the time."

She nodded again. .

He bit his lip and stood up. "I will be right back ok?"

She wiped her eyes and wondered what he was going to do.


Jacob's Point of View:

'Lord this is crazy, but I am trusting in you." Jacob prayed as  he walked into his  office and grabbed the paperwork.

He  found what he was looking for and headed up to Bryten's apartment. He  didn't knock when he finally got there and  just  barged in.

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