Chapter 10: The Rebirth of David Nolan

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Storybook (Present Day)

"So how do you think we should convince Mr. Nolan of who he really is?" Henry asked as I was standing up on a chair trying to straighten out the banner. I sighed. "Henry, this is his welcome home party. He still doesn't know who he is... as David Nolan. We can't confuse him more by telling him stories of Prince Charming."

"That's because she hasn't written him, his non-fairytale background yet."  Before I can debate with Henry anymore, someone says David and Kathryn are walking up the driveway. I pull Henry closer to me and we participate in the 'clap-in' as they walk into their own home.

Regina asked Henry and I to come early and help set up, but the whole thing felt weird. Nobody really knows them and he doesn't know any of us. I did as I was told but I did feel bad for the guy.

People were reintroducing themselves to him. Emma came over and joined Henry and I as we sat by the stairs and ate our snacks. Henry relays his theory on why David doesn't remember who he is to Emma. She also tries to explain what is really happening and how amnesia works, but nothing is deterring him from his thought process.

"We have to get him and Miss Blanchard together."
"Didn't we just try that?" I ask, talking with my mouth full of food. Emma nudges me and smiles.

"And it woke him up!" Henry exclaims.


All three of us sit up immediately to see David standing in front of us. He looks good for someone who was in a coma for who knows how long.

"You're the ones who saved me, right?"  he asks.

"Oh yeah, I guess." Emma says.

"Then you are the only ones I know here." David smiles.

"Feel free to hide with us." I say taking another appetizer as it walks by. I am stress-eating. This whole thing is giving me second-hand anxiety for David.

"Fantastic." he says as he puts a toothpick in a carrot. "Sooooo, have you ever used a sword?" Henry asks. I bite my lip to keep from laughing.

"I'm sorry?" he laughs. I put my hands on Henry's shoulders. "He's kidding."

"You guys are the mayor's kids right?" David asks. Henry looks up at me and smiles his cheeky grin. I look down and shake my head and laugh "He is. I'm just the nanny."

"Oh I'm sorry, you two look so much alike, I just..."

"Who? Me and Henry?" I question, thinking about our brown hair but nothing else really.

"No, no. You and Regina." David explains.

I grin. "Oh, yeah no. Just a coincidence. But it was a good guess, plus we're always together so no worries." I comment. David grins. I hope that made him feel okay. I leave to go to the bathroom.

I can hear him asking Emma a question about Mary Margaret, but I ignore it as I stand in the bathroom for a second. I look into the mirror. I don't really look like Regina, do I?

I mean don't get me wrong - she's beautiful. But I didn't think we were similar enough for someone to think we're related.

I walk back out to the party and find Regina in the kitchen talking to Kathryn. "I lost someone once, too."

I try to busy myself with looking at the appetizers and not eavesdropping. It's a horrid habit. "Really?" Kathryn. whispers.

"Yes, but the love I lost - there is no bringing him back."

I felt my heart swell for Regina as she encouraged Kathryn to go makeup with David and be grateful for their reunion. I felt doubly guilty that I may or may not be part of a plan to get David with Mary Margaret.

Kathryn tells Regina that they are friends and leaves the room. Regina turns back and seems startled to see me. "You made a whittle friend." I say in a baby voice just to make her laugh.

She is beaming from ear to ear. "Well if that made you laugh- maybe this will too..David just asked if I was your kid because we look SO much alike." I laugh as I start to help Regina plate more food.

"That's just..." Regina starts. "I know. I know. But I had to tell you. It was too great not to." I say as I bring more food out to people who definitely are stress-eating like me.

When the party ends, Regina drives me and Henry home. I am so tired after this day. The further Henry goes with his fairytales, the harder it is to pull him back. I have no idea how to handle this and adventure seems to follow us these days. 

The next night I awake to hear strange noises. It takes me a minute to process what they are. "Oh my God." I mumble. Then I hear a knock on my door. "Henry?" I ask out loud praying it's not him. "Yeah. Can I come in?"

The strange noises stop immediately. I am so fearful that Henry is going to have questions that I cannot answer about the birds and the bees.

But instead he's dragging his book and opening it up to a page for me. "I finally figured out who you are!" He sits on my bed. Usually he has my full attention but the banging on the roof tells me something - my guess is Sheriff Graham- is on the roof.

"Mmhmm, tell me who I am?" I say. "You're Rapunzel!" I turn to his book. "'Rapunzel, Rapunzel Let down your hair' Rapunzel? I ask doubtfully. "Yes."

"Well then where is my magic hair?" I ask. I hear a thunk in the garden. Usually Henry is so observant but put this book in front of him and he is sucked in. Luckily for the best this time as I'm sure Graham is running around the streets of Storybrook half-naked.

"That's just one version of it. If you had magic hair it wouldn't have come over with you - but the simplified story is just that Rapunzel was taken from her parents to do magic for an evil sorceress. That's Mr. Gold and you." Henry points to the pictures in the book.

"Wow. That..that is something." I say looking at the book. "Try to remember how to use magic and tell me if anything comes to you in the morning." Henry says before rushing back to his room.

I flop back onto my bed. "Awesome. Just awesome." I mutter under my breath.

(I personally think this was a perfect casting opportunity they missed but that's just me.)


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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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