Chapter 3: A Hero in Disguise

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My alarm goes off and I unfortunately realize I have to get to school. I am actually quite good at school, but as I mentioned my only friend is 19 year old Ruby....and she graduated already.

I dress casually and sneak out before my uncle can add any additional tasks to my ever growing chore list: do the laundry, dust, clean, cook dinner, wash the floors....

"Chores teach discipline and responsibility." He always says. No wonder everyone in town fears him. Well that and the fact that he owns everything.

I just manage to sit at my seat in my homeroom when the office intercom goes off. "Jules Gold to the office. Jules Gold. To the office."

A few kids stare at me as I slowly stand up and grab my bag with me.

"Wonder what she did." A girl loudly whispers.

"Always the troubled ones." Another student mumbles.

"Good luck." One boy says genuinely. I smile at him. "Thanks Eugene."

I go to the office and see Mayor Mills, Emma, Sheriff Graham and Miss Blanchard standing there.

(In case you were confused, Storybrooke only has one school for grades K-12.)

"Hey. Is everything okay?" I ask. Emma holds out a bill for a bus ticket. "Did you buy Henry a bus ticket to Boston?"

"What?! No." I say as I glance at the bill. "That's your name on the bottom there, isn't it?" Sheriff Graham asks. "Your card was also used on a website called Who's Your"

I hand the ticket back and swing my bag around and check my wallet. I got a sudden flashback to the other day. "Do you have gum in your purse?"

I sigh as I open my wallet. No card.

"I'm sorry, it looks like he might have borrowed my card but I didn't give it to him and I definitely didn't know he was looking for you." I say to Emma.

Regina frowns as she starts to walk off. "Mayor Mills, I'm sorry about what I said l..." I don't get to finish as she's already out of the office. Sheriff Graham follows her.

"He's missing again, isn't he?" I ask. Emma nods and Mary Margaret sighs. "I have a guess where he might be, but you have to let me talk to him for 90 seconds first." I say.

Emma raises an eyebrow. "You do?"

"His castle." Mary Margaret and I say at the same time. We look at each other and smile.

10 minutes later I've been dismissed from school and am climbing out of the backseat of Emma's yellow buggie. "90 seconds." I remind her.

I ran up to Henry's castle. "Well well if it isn't Robin Hood and his noble thievery." Henry looks up and grimaces as he pulls my debit card from his pocket.

"I'm sorry." I lean on the castle. "I know you are. To make it up to me, you gotta be more careful. You can't keep running away. And go easy on Emma. This is all new to her." I look up to see her walking up to us. "I will be waiting over there, but you two take your time."

I did my best not to eavesdrop, but I waited for them both in the car. Henry was being stubborn as usual. I feel partly responsible that I hadn't realized how harsh things had been between him and Regina lately.

I could feel my loyalties being pulled in two directions. Henry had my heart and I always wanted to protect him, but Regina was my boss and gave me a job that meant I did not have to be under my uncle's thumb.

I got out of the car. I could tell Henry and Emma needed more time. So I waited until I could catch Emma's eye for a second and just waved that I would be off. She waved back and continued to try to persuade Henry to go with her.

I started the walk back to school and couldn't help but let my mind wander. Henry had found his birth mother. On a website...using my name and card apparently. Maybe I could do some digging of my own. But would I even like what I find?

I went back to my day as usual. School, no Henry straight home for chores and homework. Uncle would be out late so I was on my own.

It was almost 7:00 pm when I finally gave into the urge and looked at the website Henry had used. Who's your

It was pretty straight forward. It asked for all the information you had.

Child Name: Jules Gold

State of Birth: Maine

Town of Birth: Storybrooke

I hovered my hand over the mouse for a moment before finding the courage to click search.

We're sorry. The information you have provided does not match any in our records.

I swallowed the lump in my throat. How is that possible? Unless....

I heard Uncle open the front door and close it. "Jules, dearie. Are you home?" I bite my lip and close my laptop. "Yes, I'll be right down."

Nothing about this felt good to me.

I somehow managed to get through dinner and sound excited about my upcoming science project. Uncle seemed to be in a strangely good mood today. I wondered if I might push my luck.

"Uncle." I say leaning forward on the dinner table. He looked up at me. His wide eyes, waiting for me to continue.

He took me in before I could even remember. He says my mother is no good. Why can't I just believe him? I really want to.

"Uhh..I..I.." I stumble. I can't fix this problem tonight. 

"I was wondering if you would mind if I walked over to Mayor Mills' house after dinner. I have to talk to her about Henry's new schedule and it's hard over text. All the chores are done."

He smiles. "As you like."

I feel chills run down my spine. My uncle can be a bit strange sometimes.

I quickly clean up and grab a coat and start my walk over to her place. I have no idea what I am going to say. I just have to say something. I don't want awkward tension between us. All over the fact that I can't keep my mouth closed. Well at least I kept it closed tonight.

I find myself at the Mills' house suddenly. I knock and exhale. Regina quickly opens the door. "Oh Jules. What a surprise. I wasn't expecting you." I shrug. "I know. Do you have a second?" Regina steps back and I walk into the entryway.

"Mayor Mills, I want you to know how much I have come to respect you. I love working for you and Henry is a great kid." She nods. "And he's all mine." she says smugly.

Kinda weird but okay?

"Uhhh...anyways I just, I wouldn't want anything to jeopardize that so I wanted to be completely honest with you and let you know the other night when I was rambling on...kinda like I am now..."

Regina gives a small smirk. "I..I wasn't even thinking about what I was implying. I was projecting my own feelings. I myself would give anything to know the truth of my birth mother because my uncle is never transparent about anything and I am not happy with my situation."

She bites her lip, but I continue..."I know you and Henry are struggling to connect right now, but I know he cares about you deep down. I wish I had an adoptive mother as dedicated as you. And one day when he's older he'll appreciate how hard you fought for him."

I hope I haven't said too much but Regina looks slightly choked up and pulls me in for a hug. "Oh wow. Okay. Apology accepted then?" I ask as I hug her back.

She chuckles a little. "Yes, Jules. It is." I smile. "Well okay! That's what I came here to do. So I'll pick Henry up tomorrow?" She nods.

I start to walk out and down her steps. She's about to close the door behind me when the bell tower clock chimes. That clock hasn't worked for as long as I can remember. "Huh? Would you look at that? Who knew it would still work?" I laugh.

I turn back and see Regina's horrified face. "Hey, you alright?" I ask. She turns back to me and quickly nods. "Oh yes. I just forgot something on the ironing board. Must run back. Good night Jules."

She quickly closes the door. I look up and see Henry's smiling face in the window. "Good Night, Monkey!" He waves wildly, happier then I have seen him in a while. 

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